Myspace Layoutsi like writing poetry but it's mostly dark stuff. i like playing around online with my computer. i'm addicted to and now myspace. maybe i should start my own online anonymous group lol. i like staying home most of the time like a hermit. i collect some odds and end things here and there. i collect coca cola stuff which turned into polar bears too. i have a really awesome six foot polar bear that i call papa joe because when my mom saw some kids kicking it down the street she told joe to make them quit and when he saw what it was they were kicking he rescued it for me.i also collect wolf stuff. i think they are beautiful creatures and very misunderstood. i have a poem written by an unknown author that i'd love for everyone to read. i have a medium size collection of ty beanie babies that belong to destiny and bill collects dale earnhardt sr. and jr. stuff. so i am pretty much a pack rat lol. some of bills stuff is actually in mine too because coke was one of dale sr.s sponsors.
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Myspace Layoutsvin deisel or brad pitt or angelina jolie or sandra bullock or orlando bloom or johnny depp or just anybody famous unless u mean in myspace then just anybody u can never have too many friends
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adopt your own virtual pet!
Myspace Layoutsmostly 80s but im pretty open to anything unless its loud or someone screaming about women r bitches and whores lol. i guess my all time favorite music video is he stopprd loving her today. i had heard the song many times but didn't see the video til i was pregnant with destiny and it made me cry because the reason he stopped loving her was because he had died. im a lil slow on the take lol.
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How evil are you?
Myspace Layoutsi like all kinds of movies. i like scary and gory movies the most. but im a sucker for kids movies too. over the summer i took destiny and my nephew dwight to see cars and we all loved it. there are a few movies i can sit and watch over and over like all the jaws movies and 13 ghosts.
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Myspace Layoutsi love any of the csis and law and orders. i like survivor and eureka. i like alot of detective shows like skeleton stories, 48 hours, psychic detectives, and stuff like that.
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Myspace Layoutsi dont read much any more but when i do i like stephen king, patricia corwell, nevada barr, james patterson, and iris johansen. ive read all the harry potter books too.
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Myspace Layoutswell i would have to say my folks because they put up with alot of crap from raising five girls. most of us were teenagers at the same time. my mom because shes so strong and independant. even thru a terrible loss she stood strong and i love her for that. and last but not least my bill. we started dating when destiny was 15 months old and hes been her dad for all these years. he works hard everyday to support us, his family.
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