Heidi (Backlund) OBrien profile picture

Heidi (Backlund) OBrien

Aaahhhh..... it's over. SAD!!!!!!! =(

About Me

There's not too much to say about me, I'm just me!!!! Happy, smiley Heidi!!!! ♥ This super cute layout is from iloveyourspace.com ♥

Take the quiz:
Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are You?

Awe YAH! You're the party dude! You enjoy goofing off and pulling pranks! Life's a beach! People NEED you in order to lighten up! Happiness isn't a destination, it's simply a way of life! You like games, sports, and many different activities involving showing off your athletic skills! Does annoying your sisters and brothers count? Ehehe! You enjoy being the center of attention, the star of the show, and the known joker of the group! Gotta make 'em laugh!

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

I like hanging out, watching TV, movies, listening to music, playing basketball, playing card games of any sort (kind of a nerd) I just really like to be with the people I love

I'd like to meet:



I like almost everything except for the hardcore screaming stuff, 'cause I can't understand what they're saying and that drives me crazy (sorry Mike), but mostly I like anything acoustic the most Pete Yorn, Howie Day, ya know the soft girly stuff


I like so many!!!!!! 10 Things I Hate About You, Elizabethtown, Man on Fire, A Walk to Remember, these mostly sound like girly romantic comedies, but I promise I like other movies too, they just aren't coming to me..... uuuuhhhh Dumb and Dumber, A Night at the Roxbury, there's a few more


GILMORE GIRLS (best show ever!!!!!!) CSI, 24, Grey's Anatomy, I'm not really into reality TV not my thing, I think we took it a bit far.


I like a lot of books, but I'm having a hard time thinking of any, I'll get back to you!!


my parents, I don't know what I would do without them

My Blog


You Are an Iced CoffeeAt your best, you are: hyper, modern, and athleticAt your worst, you are: cheap and angstyYou drink coffee when: you're out with friendsYour caffeine addiction level: mediumWhat ...
Posted by Heidi on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 05:01:00 PST