BikeSabbath profile picture



About Me

Crappy diy artist... Bad musician... Anarchogeek... Whatever...This profile was actually created to chat with a friend playing in the same band (Robotnicka) but living across the ocean. Since he wasn't into IRC at all and because we couldn't use the same acount, that was basically the idea...So yeah, I'm still checking this profile from time to time but have no friends :)

I'm not saying MySpace is shite, people are... Wandering in the "myspace world" is as dull as going shopping. There's no place like home!

I'm into making posters (mostly for shows) you can see here if you're into DIY art.I'm also making buttons/badges when I have time, you can check them out here .Not much about me, I'm a mystery...

My Interests

Gigs, Experimental Music, DiY Punk, XHTML, Squats, Crappy Old Horror Movies, Being on the dole, Mezzanines, Tofu, Complaining, Coffee, Autumn, Inspector Derrick...

I'd like to meet:

The Barbapapa Family


John Zorn, Otomo Yoshihide, CRASS, Flux of Pink Indians, Kraftwerk, C64 music, Goblin, Black Sabbath (!), Bastard Noise, early Sonic Youth, Fred Frith, Harum-Scarum, Dog Faced Hermans, Einstürzende Neubauten, Melt Banana, Stereolab, Godspeed, Eugene Chadbourne, Blondie, J Carpenter's Halloween soundtrack, Man is the Bastard, Spazz, early UK grindcore stuff, Guts Pie Earshot, Antiproduct, Headbutt, Crudos, Erase Errata, Tarantula Hawk, Motorhead, In/Humanity, etc etc.


Dawn of the Dead and other Romero stuff // Crappy zombie flicks from the 80s // Monty Python stuff // Boys don't Cry // Cassavetes // Wim Wenders // Jim Jarmusch // Halloween I & II // Lately getting into Peter Greenaway // The Hours // Slow and intense movies (!) // Stupid movies...


Trying not to watch it anymore...


Philip K Dick, Kathy Acker, Jeanette Winterson, Catch 22, Shibboleth, The Black Dalhia, Jean Genet, Les Liaisons Dangereuses, etc etc. Actually not reading so much lately...


Pierre Richard