mar'tina hampton..
name isz martina. i wasz born && raised here in VA. <[i>chesapeake to be exact]. i am currently residin in va beach at da moment. well im 17 yearsz young.imma short one also [ i stnd at 4'11 in a im missin dat 5 foot mark by half an inch lol]..i have my own style && itsz unique..i wear "vans" more than dc'sz, blazersz, or j'sz(datsz jusz me)..ive been told i dressz nicely, i dressz for myself && to where im comfortable ..[da only time yull see me wit my hair wrapped && in a shirt && jeansz isz wen im out at a store for a few or stoppin by to see a frnd for a few && datsz cusz i be in my chill mode].. i love my family..i have a limited amount of frndsz [cusz im not da drama type grl]..well at da moment im "single" relationshipsz lately have been kinda not sweatin it cusz bein single isz pretty fun, im learnin a lot more bout myself..[but someday soon an amazin guy will sweep me off my lil feet lol] ..but uhh imma freshie in college wit a major in criminal justice. uhh i love music, it keepsz me going..itsz in my earsz 24/7 errday..[but yeah i love music]..i love textin also [i thnk errbody doesz] but me i do it a lil too much..but anywaysz imma very, very nice person [a lil too nice at timesz]..i make mistakesz like most ppl && try to correct dem asz i go..imma huge procrastinator..a big dreamer, whosz in da processz of makin dem come to reality..i love to put my thghtsz on paper rather then speak dem [datsz how i knw i get errthng out, rather then to be interrupted] often misunderstood by most, past hasz shaped me into becomin a beautiful, independent young lady..i see my past asz motivation cusz in life you have to be pulled bck a few stepsz before yu take a betta step forward..uhh i thnk i wrote alot lol..dat should be enough..lovin life ♥
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