I'd like to meet:
Rest well Brian....I Love you....you were my friend,my brother....and im gonna miss the shit out of you.....I still dont believe you are gone....but I know we will meet again. Iloveyou............
The Myspace Finish the Sentence Survey
Finish the Sentence
When I wake up in the morning... I'm happy to be alive
I love... Myself, the Universe, God, Everything under the Sun
People say I look like... A cartoon character :-/ lol
My past is... my past...
I'll be happier once I've... created my family :)
I shouldn't... Love everyone so much, but I do
I have a low tolerance for... Ignorance and close-minded people
If I had a billion dollars... this world would benefit from it greatly....
Groups make me... have fun!
Parties are... Cool, if its the right place, right time, right people
Tomorrow I'll... enjoy the day, no matter what happens...
I have never... gone skinny dipping, and I really want to!!!
I'd be a better person if I... Stop comparing myself to others and just be the best ME
I can't stand it when... people don't understand and don't even put an effort into TRYING to understand
I am terrified of... nothing
Before I go to sleep I like to... Thank God for another beautiful day
Take this survey
The "Get to Know Me" Survey
Stuff About You
Nickname Aiko,Guardian Girl, Daughter of R&B....whatever you want it to be...
Gender Female
Eye Color Drk Brown
Hair Color Blonde right now...
Height 5'2 (yeah,I went to thedoctor...thats what they said!)
Favorite Color All shades of blue.....
Tattoos 2....soon to be 4
Piercings 5 (all on my ears) Soon to be 7 and not on my ears...?
Fly or invisible O no, I cant choose...BOTH!!
Pets Sonnie (Best CAT EVER!!) R.I.P to LOVE (my first cat :( )
Best skill Loving :)
Sound of your ringtone John Mayer- Stop This Train
Movie Right now..? Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
TV Show I got rid of my t.v
Actor/Actress Halle Berry, Sandra Bullock, Brittney Murphy,Johny Depp, George Clooney...to name a few.
Song The song in my heart...its really pretty.
Color Wow, I just answered this
Car Ashton Martin
Planet Earth, Jupiter, Neptune....
Have You Ever...
Climbed a tree Yes....its fun :)
Walk around in the rain Yes....I love it
Danced in public YEA!!
Smiled for no reason There's always a reason to smile!
Talked to yourself Mostly in my head...does talking to my cat count?
Laughed so hard you cried Once or twice
Peed your pants after age 8 Uhh...yeah...HAHAHA
Written a song All the time
Written a story All the time
Talked to someone you didn't know Everyday
Gone roller skating LOOOOVE it!
Been in love Not sure...only time will tell what being in love TRULY is.
Can You...
Write with both hands I CAN, but im a RIGHTY
Whistle I try
Chew gum and walk at the same time Who can't?!
Cross your eyes yea!
Roll your tongue no :(
Roll you "R"s Not really :-/
Dance Sure
Speak more than one language Yea, I speak everyone's language
Impersonate anyone Sure
Cook anything Believe it
Play a musical instrument Yes, MY voice...(or as my voice teacher says your "BODY" is the instrument you play when you're singing...if you're doing it RIGHT!
Are You A...
Lover You kno it....
Fighter When the time calls for it....
Drinker Wine?
Smoker Negative
Stalker I stalk...LIFE
Player huh? I play board games, sure
Heartbreaker Never
Peacemaker ALL the time
Bitch In moderation :)
Right Now:
Your mood Blah
Color pants Black Jeans
Closest object to your left hand Cup of water
Finish the sentence
I wish I could ... live in Hawaii
School is ... the best
My parents don't ... kno this, but THEY'RE THE BEST
a href='http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LmZsb3NzbXlzcG
You can dress me up and make me up to be what you'd like to see, what
pleases the eye, but that's a disguise, underneathe all the make up,
the jewelry, the fake stuff.....I will never be more or less than
anyone else. We are all of flesh and bones, and all the wealth I
posses is of knowledge,love, and life.....diamonds and gold, mean
nothing to me...the trees and the mountains are real beauty, my
soul....not my face.....has the real beauty.**