Track and Field! And some other stuff, but you can just ask!
Runners, A's fans, interesting people, nice people, and fun people!
In no particular order: Too $hort, Common, ummm... I'm not really a big music person; in fact, there're literally five songs on my ipod, but I'll buy a cd every now and then when I'm really feeling something.
"Remember the Titans", "Before Sunrise", "Before Sunset"
Beauty and the Geek
Catch-22, This Side of Paradise... I enjoy Francis Scott Fitzgerald in general because I really like his characters, Those classic satires like Brave New World, 1984, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, F451...etc.... Daisy Miller... Walden... ...and Beverly Cleary's children books!
Be the hero/heroine of your own life story