..Hello there welcome to my .. store here you will find the best in quality replica handbags, sunglasses & wallets.
I am located in the bay area so if you are interested in a party at your home or office please let me know and I will be happy to schedule that with you.You can email me @ [email protected]
All the pictures that you see here are the items I have on hand, I am able to find almost any bag you desire all you need to do is email me a picture of what you are looking for and I will contact my suppliers to find it.
All my accessories are A grade replicas and are made with the highest quality material. Many of the bags you see have a wallet included so the price listed is for both!!
Some of the name brands I carry are : Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Coach, Dior, Balenciaga, Armani & many more..