Inland Empire Freedom Band & Colorguard profile picture

Inland Empire Freedom Band & Colorguard

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4-------- Welcome to the Inland Empire Freedom Band.A little about who I am... My name is Alfred Uribe, I live in the Inland Empire and I am 34 years of age. I played baritone since the 3rd grade in the Rowland District. When I was at Nogales High School I traveled overseas to perform with the school band during the summer of 1990 in Taiwan. Other travels were Sidney and Melbourne in Australia 2002. I also performed with L.A.Freedom Band Foundation for 10 years.I started forming and it's still in process The Inland Empire Freedom Band as of August 12, 2006.My short term goal is to get a concert band started. I am looking for a rehearsal space and also looking for a conductor. The conductor position will be a non-paying position for now. The band has no music library, but has connections to other libraries. I'm also working to build a music library for this band.My goals are to form a marching band, a drum line, a jazz band and a color guard.I'm also in the process of getting the band as a non-profit organization. If you have any connections to any other music libraries, please let me know. If you or any of your friends have any experience in conducting a band please let me hear from you. This band is for everyone, professional or novice, and also for gender (gay or straight) We are just looking for musicians to play music and to have fun performing.The Revolution LA Drumline, this all-volunteer group of people get together Twice a month to Rehears for Parades and ConcertsRehearsals are every other Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. -------------

My Interests

One day we would like to be a part of LGBA. (Lesbian and Gay Band Association)

I'd like to meet:

We are looking for all levels of musical experience. It doesn't matter if you are professional or haven't play since you graduated from high school many years ago. Looking for musicians who love to make music together. -------Let me know if this is something you would like to join? Also visit us at..............


Concert and one day marching band. So far everything is falling into place. We are starting a drumline and Colorguard. We already have board members looking for a place to have rehearsals in the Inland Empire. We do have a Band Conductor. Thank you for everyones support in this New Freedom Band!


My Blog

[iefband] Revolution LA Drumline

The Revolution LA Drumline, this all-volunteer group of people get together Twice a month to Rehears for Parades and ConcertsRehearsals are every other Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.http://launch. g...
Posted by Inland Empire Freedom Band & Colorguard on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:50:00 PST