Like just about everyone else, I’m sure, this year has flown by for me. Between family vacation, attending the Romance Writers of America National Conference in Dallas, and having two books come out back to back, I’m only now beginning to catch my breath
Last year, when The Gate to Eden was released, my first single-title book, I had the thrill of walking into bookstores and seeing copies on the shelves. This summer, my thrill level shot to new heights when I went into Target, Wal-Mart, and my own local Albertson’s grocery store and saw His Only Wife, my first Harlequin American, in the book section. People probably wondered who that weird woman was taking pictures of a book with her cell phone camera.
So many readers have emailed me about Night Hunter, wanting to know if I’m going to write a sequel and especially wanting to know what happened to Celeste, Nick’s co-worker and the creature’s victim. I don’t know when the sequel will be released, but to satisfy any curious readers out there who can’t wait that long, I posted the original epilogue at my website: It will hopefully answer some of the questions about the future world I created in Night Hunter and give you a taste of what’s to come.
This epilogue was originally written for inclusion at the end of the book. It was ultimately decided to omit the epilogue in order to make the book stand alone. So, for anyone interested in finding out what happened to Celeste and the next generation of creatures, take a peek.
I recently learned that The Gate to Eden won first place in the historical category of the Aspen Gold Contest - the winners will be announced next month. For anyone who enjoys western historical romances, The Gate to Eden is still available at online bookstores or can be special ordered at your favorite neighborhood bookstore.
If you're one of those people who likes to spend quality Internet time reading blog entries — and who doesn’t? — I’m blogging in two places these days. I post weekly (Tuesdays) at and monthly (the 23rd) at I also have another Internet home at All you MySpace fans check it out.
On another note, I still have a small supply of free promotional items. Just email me with your snail mail address, and I’ll ship them out. If you requested items and never got them, email me again. I’ve received a ton of requests these last months and on rare occasion, accidentally missed someone.
That’s it for now. To all of my dear friends and readers out there, have a wonderful fall season and enjoy the changing weather. And, as always, thanks for your support and encouragement.
All the best,
October 2007
Night Hunter - Cathy McDavid BookPeek
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