Hugo Sanchez y Perro Aguayo
Les Fres New Llork avant-garde Bands. Les Quattro Fantastiques, Beto Diaz & his band, Le Comadore, Lujurie, Les Acetones, Le Familie Burround, Le Some, etc.
Le Bufon, The Profetic Code, I wanna be your God, I bring you Rooster, Violet Love, In a Dream, I cry for you.
The Bohemian Night, Posilga's Times, Morteraround the Corner, Le Bochorno College Patinate, Sgt. Pepes Lonely Hearts Club bike Agency, etc.
Falopvio Rodriguez, Manis Redding, Luois Waits, Orlando Mascarneys, Sergion & Omarfunkel, Chuy Dylan, el guichis.