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About Me

The Important Stuff
Age: 19
Weight: 125
Heighest Weight: 135
Lowest Weight: 100
Current Weight: 125
Goal Weight : 100
Fave food : Ugh...chocolate
Fave Drink : Diet Green Tea
Fave Exercise : walking for hours on end
Thinspo : Everything around me
Where do you slip up? When I go back to my parents house
When did it start? Grammar School
Why did it start? I heard this from my sister (who is a model by the way) "You really need to put down those doughnuts and get some yogurt."
Does Anyone know? They think I'm over it
Do you want help? Never
Diet pills? Oh yea...low on them now though
fave binge food: Icecream
Fave dieting food: Carrots and mustard. I love it
How many cals do you consume a day? Depends on the day
What tips do you use to lose weight? Water!!!! Diet Drinks. Sugarless gum. Keeping busy.
What do you see when you look in the mirror? Fat ass
Are you in a relationship? No...but I do date a lot
If so, Do they pressure you to be thin? My last boyfriend made me eat
Are you the fat or thin one out of your friends? thin
Are you depressed? yes...but great at faking being the happiest girl EVER
Do you self harm? not physically
Ever tried to commit suicide? no...I'd like to see how little i can make myself
Ever been to a psychologist?? Yes...but I lied and she loved me
Fave song? haven't found it

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