music -history - getting drunk - parties - girls - roskilde festival - sleep - answers - copenhagen - photos - art - lomo - low tech - cameras - lps - movies!!! - fucking - you.
the go-betweens, electrocute, soko, SL2, we smoke fags, tears for fears, AFX, Crystal castles, CSS, Dieter Schmidt, Digitalism, Girls Feat. Boy, Goose, Justice, the knife, New young pony club, no pain in pop, the presets, trentemoller, Uffie, Yelle, Riot in belgium, Midnight Juggernauts, technotronics, Peaches, The Rifles, Patti Smith, PJ Harvey, Klaxons, Basement Jaxx, Bloc Party, Ramones, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Fatboy Slim, Strokes, Stones, Hendrix, Gossip, the hives, 2manydjs, radio soulwax, the jam, joy division, jeff buckley, kings of leon, led zeppelin, kaiser chiefs, minutemen, arcade fire, Nouvelle Vague, arctic monkeys, the subways, queen, familjen, the real heat, the thermals, greg mcPherson band, turpentine brothers, yeah yeah yeahs, maximo park, blur, interpol, goldfrapp,The Velvet Underground, royksopp....... and all bands listed as my friends on my profile..
The Breakfast Club- A night At The Roxbury- stranger than fiction- little miss sunshine- sideways- 2001: A Space odyssey- almost famous- 24 hour party people- its all gone pete tong- platoon- cruise of the gods- hard boiled- rock 'n' roll high school (the one with the ramones)- the transporter 1+2- the royal tenenbaums(? - donno if its the right title)- napoleon dynamite- magnolia- garden state- donnie darko- doctor strangelove- the right stuff- elephant- storytelling- fuglekrigen i kanøfleskoven-
animal crackers futurama simpsons family guy alan partrigde man stroke woman trigger happy. the office extras little britain....stop givin' me evils!
guns germs and steel. collapse the third chimp
got none