Spam My Back profile picture

Spam My Back

About Me

OFFICIAL and run by the band.
We carry glowsticks, rave paint and get WASTE-FACED on super strongbow (89p a can don'tcha know)
So, apparently, NOONE understands the overwhelming concept and GENIUS brilliance that IS SPAM MY BACK .
We ARE a band. We are GREAT...We're just usually too drunk to perform and stuff...innit.
It all started in the boring Sumemr of 2006. The geeks of forum of OMGZ teh automatics - y'know those ones which writ that song monster. whats that coming over the hill? yeah, those gays, well we all came together, and realised how fucking awesome we are, and how much better than the automatic we are. We soon realised...
"The Automatic are shit...if you like them, you are a cunt."
Therefore, on a beautiful day, during a thread fight, involving sexy abcks and the war to get to 3000 posts first, Spam my Back was born.
Spam my back, toured the length and bredth of Britain, following the automatic and their might fine crew and generally abusing them with catch phases such as...
"Pete is gay"
"Jamie has a sexy back"
" I like Star wars"
"Rob's a lesbian"
"I love Frort"
Then came the songs, we decided to change every automatic lyric, to abuse certain members.
"Whats that coming over Pete Hill? Is it a drummer??""That the happiest you've looked all day" *point at grumpy Iwange*.
"Our ambition got cast aside. CAST ASIDE "
The RECOVER dance
"Go team, go team, go team CUNT"
"Keep your bum peeled"
Despite, none of being able to sing or play an instrument (apart from the kazoo ofc) our songs such as "lets go see croydon", "hey iwang", "the automatic are shit", "massive penis" and the amazing "avin' a ravvve n me own" have recieved critic acclaim and our sung throughout the whoe of wales.
We've appeared in the NME, front cover of Kerrang, Front cover of the Rhondda Leader, websites. SPAM MY BACK are everywhere.
On our travels of sex , drugs and spam, we came across a band VIVA MACHINE . ( We soon realised that viva amchine were indeed better than the automatic, and had MUCH better hair than them ---- and that they HAD to be friends with us, cos we ARE their only fans.
We stalk viva machine - but they stalk us more. They are our proper PROPER groupies, and we follow them to Wales, London, Bristol - even bloody Nottingham, to shout at the stage and BOUNCE TO THE BEAT..innit.
"we're from Wales and we have something that we'd like to tell your SHEEP"
"WE LOVE YOU!!!!!....or something like that."
"Just take your pants off"
"In the galaxy, where I pick my nose"
So there you go. spam My back. A legend of our time. All you have to remember is - LIAM LOVES YOU
Everyone loves Carla especially Kyle and Noo..
Our tourbus ---
We are bringing The Sexy Back

We have Sexy Backs.


My Interests


Member Since: 15/08/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:


-Drummer extraordinaire. Likes her snakebite too. She'll be found dressed up as certain horticultural delights. Caity has the most stalkers...don't blame them. I would. Are you male? Do you have ginger pixie hair? Caity WILL fall in love with you.Caity enjoys stage invading and being manhandled and chucked off stage by a cetain "Steph" of Gallows fame.

CARLA- AmarrrZING keyboardist. Sambuca's the poison. Creator of the amazing "War of Stars". COS SHE LIKES STAR WARS - Lego star wars that is. She is really a man and is most talented at pulling faces when taking pictures. You may have noticed that she is Noel Edmonds twin - isn't she lucky! Carla likes to touch hair. Send her some of yours! Unfortunately Carala's heart belongs to a little scottish bloke called Kieren - astedwae alltae pammersae 'drunkest blondes we ken' Carla appreciates GOOD hair. Head and shoulders people!

CAROLINE- Does fuck all really...apart from drink Super Strongbow Is responsible for such hits as "Hey iwang!" and "Lets go see Croydon" and " Avin' a ravvve on me own". If you meet her she *will* be completely and utterly wasted and *will* touch your teeth. She likes to buy musical instruments....and lose them. Caroline will be found on the floor most of the time. If you find her, PLEASE make her get up. Cheers.

ZOE - Zoe is the band's resident kazooist. She turns welsh when drunk. Along with Caroline, she gets completely WASTED most of the time and enjoys sleeping in toilets. She is fond of buying MANY musical instruments...including the xylophone which she has the tuuuunes for. She enjoys drinking on trains and playing on kids playgrounds whilst multitasking and down-ing bottles of WKD. Zoe like MASSIVE PENIS. If you come across Zoe, she WILL amke you do shots, usually £1 shots, her speciality.

MALICE -SMB's bassist. She enjoys filling coke bottles with 99.999999% vodka and the rest coke for good measure - thats cocaine by the way. she wants to fuck adam and loveskissing various members of the automatic and their crew. Her biggest groupie is Frost. She has a MASSIVE penis, and shes NOT afraid to use it.

JESS -Vocalist and creator of the automatic are shit. JESS is the pete doherty of the band. Drugs, sex and rock and roll. She makes the most of the bands groupie hooker stuff. Believe me. SHe loves Bradley's dad.

CLAIRE - Red-haired-Ukulele strummer of the Spam. Enjoys slumming it on the streets of certain capital cities. Enjoys sexiful dancing to certain indie tunes with other members of the band.

ALEX -Guitarist and ginger. Most musically talented member of the smb crew. Theres not much this boy can't do with his fingers...with his guitar of course...psssh.

LIAM - The screamer and Official name-maker-upper. Yes...its the one that LOVES YOU.


LUCY - The ginger haired supplier of groupie hooker sex. She promotes SMB in any way possible, following her tattoo of Caity's face on her left (pale ofc) bum cheek, she was promoted to the band's favourite and BEST groupie. ....

She made this...

VIVA MACHINE - They are our groupies. Fact

NICKY - Nicky is not only a FANTASTIC sex-toy, she is also the videor of the band. Her creative skills are not kept in the bedroom, her latest concept involves super strongbow, naked klaxons and rave paint. How DOES she do it?

Daaaaavvvvvve - Is the official interviewer of the band,a nd has spent many nights behind curtains with our very own keyboardist ;) He takes a spare tshirt to gigs AND a raincoat - incase it rains ofc!

LISA - Covers our sexy backs, for our Northern shows. theres nothing else this Boltonian lass likes to do more than spam our backs...and worship her cardboard cutouts of caroline and Zoe.

TRACI - Yessss. *to be updated*


Jamie - The artist. He draws Spam My Back....naked.

we love MR BRICK - And Mr Brick loves SPAM. - est homosexxxxual. Thats alllll you need to know.

Iwan - Likes Star Wars...and marmite SMB sandwiches
Rob - Is a lesbian.
Frost - Likes Avin' a Ravvve...On his own.
Pennie - Stole my hamburger.

Jamie - Has a sexy back.
Mike - Put his hand up my skirt.
Jizz - Well....

BRIGITTA - What can we say? WHO ARE YOU? ahha!!
Influences: VIVA MACHINE []

The Automatic.


Justin Timberlake - for sexy back purposes

We love the KLAXONS - their amazing.
Sounds Like: The sound of dead cow as it hits the kitchen floor

"despite being a bunch of complete DICKS, that new songs actually really fucking good "

"truly alternative and experimental you could say pushing the limits of sound and music experimenation to its limits and beyond in the name of good humour good looks and good times - "I honestly nearly threw up it was that good"

"I like Star Wars...but not THAT much"
"ahahaaa i think i just laughed up a lung."

"Spam My Back - Bigger than Jesus.
Better that Sex.
Bigger and Better than Sex with Jesus."

Record Label: TEAM CUNT
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

In the news...AGAIN .var.1594783.0.its_planet_rock_at_the_redbourn_festival.php   famous AS fuck
Posted by on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 07:29:00 GMT


get mr brick magazine - [email protected]   SpamTastic  The section dedicated to Spam This week the Spamtastic section is given over to an interview with the world'...
Posted by on Tue, 15 May 2007 01:42:00 GMT

Spam My Back are FAMOUS.

Front page of the Rhondda leader, April 2007 NME magazine - March 2007 NME July 2006 NME August 2007   Avin' a ravvvvvvvvvvvvvve
Posted by on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 01:38:00 GMT

Spammy Holiday and Reading.

AND main stage Reading...     AND Fully Ponty Festival
Posted by on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 07:45:00 GMT

Super Strongbow...

....Is our God. Worshp his sexxxxxxxxxxxxxay back.
Posted by on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 07:42:00 GMT

Yes it IS us on myspace

Oh yes, believe it or not - It is the band on myspacewhenwe re online. Shock to the max.  
Posted by on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 08:49:00 GMT