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About Me

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glitter-graphics.comI am one stubborn bitch!!! My son is my first priority ALL of the time and I am the second as of right now! I work my ass off to get where i need to be and i really don't mind! When i party, i go all out and as crazy as ever, i never know when i will get my next chance! Being a single mom has made me as strong as ever, yet more willing to ask for help. I can do anything and everything i put my mind to. I love NASCAR and Dale Jr. I love country and rock-n-roll! I like to wear t-shirts and jeans. I never wear a coat. I hate winter, but i love snow!!! Fall is my favorite season and Halloween is my favorite holiday. I like skulls, and the color red. I wish i had a muscle car and a big bad ass truck, but for now i'll take the suv. I want a couple more dogs and a fence around my yard. I want to own and run a resturaunt someday. I like to be in charge, no i take that back, i need to be in charge. I admit i can be a pain in the ass, but i am usually right, otherwise i wouldn't have said it!!! I am gonna guess there aren't too many men who can handle all this, but i'll know if i find one! I love my girls at the westside, well most of them(you know who you are). I hate people who are late. People with bad work ethic make me sick! People with lots off money make me sick too, though there are a few exceptions(Dale). I think thats enough for now!!!

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My Blog

Laugh or Cry

Laugh or cry....that is the question!!! So i am extremely happy to not be at Banfields anymore! I am a happier, brighter person overall! I like the place i work now, but i am not making any money! A ...
Posted by Bekkaahh on Sun, 18 May 2008 08:44:00 PST

Mothers Day

What a great day this is!!!! A day to celebrate being a MOM!!! Celebrate the most rewarding career that was ever made. A career that thanx you, loves you and gives back to you ten fold, every single d...
Posted by Bekkaahh on Sun, 11 May 2008 06:34:00 PST

Advice Please

OK...i need your advice! I have a job at banfields as most of you know, and i have an opportunity at another job also right now. Pros of banfields are...Money is good      &nb...
Posted by Bekkaahh on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 05:27:00 PST


How do you date someone you never get to see??? I feel like i don’t even have the chance to get to know him!! I like what i know...but its not much! We have technically been seeing each other fo...
Posted by Bekkaahh on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 06:43:00 PST


I am getting tired. Emotionally and mentally tired. I am just wore out and wondering why i keep going?! I feel like giving up on so much stuff. Is it worth going to school when all I feel is guil...
Posted by Bekkaahh on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 12:06:00 PST

At peace

I am formulating plans in my head that have me so excited! Unfortunatly i can’t tell any one for fear of screwing it up!!! It is hopefully going to make me soooo much happier in the long run, th...
Posted by Bekkaahh on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:26:00 PST

my job is too political!

My job is so ridiculously political, it blows my mind!  I don't understand how you can be one of the best waitresses in there and lose a shift! Or how you can do all your side work and more....
Posted by Bekkaahh on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 07:02:00 PST

Happy Days

So....... one date turned into a long phone call, which turned into another date!!!!!! This is kind of exciting, i feel like a teenager again. Kind of crazy how when you stop thinkin about it jus...
Posted by Bekkaahh on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 07:53:00 PST

A new scene

Well, school is going well and i am actually enjoying it, even though money is VERY tight! Kahner is growing up so FREAKIN fast it's scary!!!  Things are lookin up for me right now and i like it ...
Posted by Bekkaahh on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:46:00 PST

New years resolution!

My news years resolution hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday!  I need to focus more on Kahner than myself! He misses me and thats unfair. I have to work and i have to go to school, but i don't ...
Posted by Bekkaahh on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 06:15:00 PST