About Me
Layout by CoolChaserSe kliÄem Gregor, in sem DJ :P.
Za omenjeno dejavnost sem se odloÄil po neznanem navdihu v srednji Å¡oli, ko sem na Å¡olskem radiju vrtel razno elektroniko in t.i. narodno (srbski turbofolk). Od takratnih dni, ko se je glasbo predvajalo bolj za Å¡alo, kot zares, se je zamenjal, poleg opreme, ki je bila na podstreÅ¡ju gimnazije Poljane precej skopa, tudi glasbeni okus. Razvil, bi bila mogoÄe primernejÅ¡a beseda, saj sem iz vsesploÅ¡ne elektonike presedlal predvsem na drum'n'bass, v vseh svojih okusih, turbofolk, pa po precej hitri opustitvi, zamenjal za (nu)funk, balkan-beats in world music.
Leta 2006 sem bil soustanovitelj ekipe Soulless Crew, ki se ukvarja z organizacijo drum'n'bass dogodkov in promocijo omenjene glasbe. Tako smo v dveh letih pridobili in ohranili "rezidenco" v Metelkovskem kubu Channel Zero ter že dve sezoni polnili dvorano KUD-a FP na Ljubljanskem TrnFestu.
Zaradi vez in poznanstev (;)) pa sem imel veÄkrat možnost tudi vrteti funk svetovne in viže balkana, skupek katerih je ponavadi namenjen Å¡irÅ¡i ciljni publiki, saj nima tako specifiÄnih lastnosti. Za razliko od mojega drum'n'bass repertuarja so moji funk-balkan-world seti bolj strukturirani in delujejo bolj kot nastop/rutina, ki se vedno dodeluje in izboljÅ¡uje. Kar me osebno pri tovrstni glasbi najbolj pritegne je etno podlaga in organskost glasbe, s pridihom elektronske urbanosti, simbioza katerih rodi tako posluÅ¡ljivo kot plesno glasbo.
Pred kratkim sem bil povabljen k sodelovanju z rap skupino PAT, kot podporni DJ. Zaradi superiornega vajba skupine, kvalitete glasbe in izziva vrtenja hip hopa sem se odloÄil za pristop, treningi potekajo :).
Bodite dobri.
My name is Gregor, and i'm a DJ :P.
I decided for the mentioned activity after an unknown inspiration in high school, as i was playing various electronic music and serbian turbofolk on the school radio. Since those days, when we played just for kicks, more than just equipment changed. I also developed a more specific musical taste deejaying wise. From various electonics i shifted to drum'n'bass in all its forms, and from the turbofolk music, i grew to playing (nu)funk, balkan beats, world and brass music.
In 2006 i was a co-founder of a group called Soulless Crew, wich is into organising parties and promotion of drum'n'bass. In the two years of being, we now play as residents in Ljubljanas club Channel Zero, and have now filled the hall of KUD France Prešeren on TrnFest festival for two seasons.
Due to some connections (;)) i have had more than one chance to play funk and balkan and world music tunes, a mixture of wich is usualy intended for a wider public, since it doesn't have that specific qualities. Oposed to my drum'n'bass selection, my funk-balkan-world sets are more constructed, and act more like a show or rutine, that is always worked on and improved. What i love about this sort of music is the etno base and the organic sound with a touch of electronic urban culture, the symbiosis of wich makes a vibe that you can enjoy sitting or dancing.
Recently i was invited to cooperate with a rap group called PAT, as a support DJ. Because of the superb vibe of the group, quality of the music and the challenge of playing hip hop i decided to join, training now :).
Be well.