Under construction!!!!
Hey everyone who knows me, this profile is for YOU, yes YOU, you awesomely personal friends of mine!!!
I'm such a myspace dork that I have TWO, yes TWO (is that getting annoying? ok, I'll stop) myspace profiles to keep all my friends in order. This profile is my personal one - therefore I'll only add those people that I know in person. So if you do not know me please don't add me.
But if ya think I'm supa cool and want to add me anyway (awww, that's so sweet! I'm flattered!!!) you're invited to add my public profile, which serves as a modeling/acting/cosplaying/marketing myspace profile. You can find that profile here: http://www.myspace.com/~sunangel .
If you've received a request from both these profiles, it's really up to you whether you want to add both, just one or... none. :(
"A college student and suffering realist. I also am stupidly trying not hard enough to be an actress. Instead I get stuck with non-paying local modeling jobs. I waste lots of money on dressing up like weird anime and video game characters, and I get a lot of joy out of it. I play video games for hours on end and I carry around my pearl pink GBA SP in my purse. It's currently stocked with Final Fantasy Tactics and Fire Emblem. I'm also Filipino, but no, I don't have an lumpia to give. Sorry.
I sing half written songs to a lonely acoustic guitar, and scribble squiggly lines and shapes on blank white paper. I look at tons of beautiful women and only compare to them with what I lack, and I sleep in for twelve hours or more on my days off.
In the end, I'm really just a nobody with nothing figured out, no direction or paths to take, no goals achieved or created. Just like everyone else.
Oh. I'm also a poet. Not that that's saying much."