Aimee profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I love to laugh. But I refuse to laugh at something someone says that's not funny, even if they are laughing - or maybe I laugh at everything. I'll laugh if it's cheesy though... I fear maybe I've a cheesy sense of humor...

My Interests

part of me wants to say... a number of things... but another part of me says to hush up because myspace seems to be for artsy/rocker types and... those things... are neither artsy nor rocker.

I'd like to meet:

everyone. and go everywhere. but, that's not very realistic, is it? so, really i just want to meet people that like to play. people that want to do fun stuff and go to fun places and meet other fun people. and please, no more people that get on my nerves. enough is enough.


right now everything i watch comes on hbo. i LOVE flight of the conchords. if you haven't seen it, you should. then, there's big love and entourage and... i'm not sure if i like john from cincinnati, but i watch it.