Bill Cosby!!!
Hmmmm... What a tough subject to fill. I don't want to list because I know that there is so much music which I haven't been exposed to and yet at the same time probably deserve to be listed here should a list such as the aforementioned one exist.
The first movie that I've seen in a while which really made me feel better about my own existence is AMERICAN SPLENDOR, chronicling the life of Harvey Pekar. Good pic, that film. Oh, another I saw recently, Nine Queens- AWSOME!
Fuckin' cable. I hate cable. Cable sucks. Goddamn cable. Emily, I love your TV.
Currently reading: donald worster DUST BOWL, elizabeth royte GARBAGE LAND. Some favorites: robert pirsig ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE, ray bradbury FAHRENHEIT 451, howard kunstler THE LONG EMERGENCY, albert camus THE STRANGER, george orwell 1984, gary paulsen HATCHET, aldous huxley BRAVE NEW WORLD, john fitzgerald THE GREAT BRAIN SERIES, dolores hayden BUILDING SUBURBIA, michael pollan SECOND NATURE, h.d.thoreau WALDEN, frederick douglas NARRATIVE, andre gide THE IMMORALIST, anything by steinbeck.
My grandparents...and the numerous other elders whom I have been so fortunate to have come into my life, if only for a moment, and show me, teach me, humble me, and essentially open a door to a new and different (some would say old-fashioned) way of viewing our world and the ways in which we should live during what essentially is just a fleeting moment in the continuum of our universe.