The names Kat.
I am seventeen years old.
Ich bin siebzehn Jahre alt. xD
I'm single again..
I'm a Senior at GMHS! Class of '10!!
I have low tolerance for bullshit.
I'm bisexual. DON'T HATE!
My best friend is the shit!Jasmine King niggazz!!!
I'm proud to be part of the Great Mills High School Chamber Singers!We're like family and I love them!
I love my kitty Rebel!!
I like to hang out with people and make new friends!
I've got an attitude.
Music is one of the best things that has ever happened. I love it.
I care too much about the people who matter most to me.
I worry too much.
Talk to me. You'll love me. =]
"Those who do not like you fall into two categories: The stupid and the envious."
M y B l o g !