+++ check out www.krakwork.de for the essential works of Szandor Kubassa +++ illustrator +++ designer +++ director +++ heterosexual testosterone compressor 69 +++
workography by yours truly Szandor Kubassa:
.:: zines - 2000: EXTREM issue 6, firstprice for some artwork | 2001: EPIDERMOPHYTIE "blut und sperma"-issue, incl. CIV-comicstrip, OX-FANZINE issue 45, cd compilation-artwork | 2002: TATTOO SAVAGE issue??, flashart, 2002 - 2003: LEGACY issues ?? - ??, cd compilation-artwork | 2005: OX-FANZINE issue 59, cd compilation-artwork ...
.::record-covers - 2002: AS WE FIGHT - the darkness of apocalypse has fallen before us MCD (diy/dk) | 2003: FOETOPSY - bizarre gynecology EP (murder the world/us) | 2004: SCREAMING AFTERBIRTH - drunk on feces CD (bizarre lepros/us), EAVES - hoehenangst CD/LP (yskalnari, wild zero/ger) | 2005: POOSTEW - struggle CD/gatefold-LP (mordachai, shove/ger), SCREAMING AFTERBIRTH - split EP (?/us) | 2006: ELISION / IVAN DRAGO - split MCD (silentstagnation records/ger), UNHOLY - awaken the sleep DigiMCD (silentstagnation/us), WORLD DOWNFALL - beyond salvation CD(diy/ger), POOSTEW - plutocracy CD (silentstagnation records/ger) ... .::musicvideos - 2004: WORLD DOWNFALL - the needle (diy/ger), MORDA - the naked under (genet/be), JAPANISCHE KAMPFHOERSPIELE - verpackt in plastik (bastardized/ger), SINCE THE DAY - lunar eclipse (bastardized/ger) | 2005: THE OCEAN - nazca (make my day/ger), THE OCEAN - dead on the whole (make my day/ger), SIX REASONS TO KILL - retribution (bastardized/ger), VERMIS - room 1166 (darkwind/ger) 2006: IRA - soil (go kart/ger), CRIMSON GHOSTS - somewhere in a casket (fiendforce/ger), ...
.::films - DRIVE-BY BUKKAKE currently in production ...
.::shirt-designs - 2003: KRAKWORK Studios ..- worldwide limited to 30 pieces !SOLD OUT! 2005: KRAKWORK Studios ..2- worldwide limited to 30 pieces !SOLD OUT!, POOSTEW (ger) - limited to 50 pieces !SOLD OUT!, A FEAR CALLED TREASON (ger) - zombie-design, ...
.::exhibitions - 2001: NAUTILUS-exhibition in cologne featured MEATHOOK SODOMY-comicstrip | 2003: KRAKFEST 2003 @ az muelheim an der ruhr | 2004: KRAKFEST 2004 @ az muelheim an der ruhr | 2005: KRAKFEST 2005 @ exhaus, trier, ...
+++ check out www.krakwork.de for the essential works of Szandor Kubassa +++ illustrator +++ designer +++ director +++ heterosexual testosterone compressor 69 +++