cLuBBing, sHoppIng, vIdEoKe, sUrFing thE neT, tAMbAy wiTh frIendS, bOwLing, wAtcHinG mOvieS witH mY frIends and dAddY!! tWeTTy biRd, cHoCoLAteS, cHocOlAte moUssE, pIKniK( keTcHuP fLavOr), hEaRt-sHapeD sTuFFs, yeLLow sTuffS, cOlor YeLLow!!
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the BIBLE, liTTle WoMen, tHe noTebOOk, huNdrEd secRet seNseS, tueSdayS wIth moRRie!!
no One in pArtiCulAr!!