Stacie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I love Dorks, nerds, freaks... people that other people consider out of the "norm" or wierd. let's be honest what the fuck and who the fuck is normal? I'm not
I like jeans, tshirts and hoodies
I'm a night owl
I Put brides in wedding dress's for a living, and go to school to make a real living...someday
i have explosive laughter, its really loud and frightens people sometimes
I am ticklish as hell
i wear socks if i fall asleep next to anyone because i'm afraid thier cold feet will touch me
i am an extrovert
I love movies, they are the shit
i spontanously bust into song and dance while driving sometimes
i cant dance but people like to watch me try
My best friend is Derek.. He knows me better than anyone and we are dysfunctional but thats how we function
i drink and dial
i am stubborn as hell sometimes
i just realized a couple of months ago that i kinda have dimples... i guess that means i'm not very observant
i love anything with peanut butter, we might fight over it.. and i will win
i randomly bite people sometimes.. its usually on the shoulder but, i enjoy it so you should too
I love men but i tend not to trust them
i am one of the most honest people you will meet mostly because i lack the ability to think before i speak
I read books alot, it adds excitment to my dull life
I talk alot, sometimes the things i talk about mean something.. sometimes they dont. I tend to bitch alot, ive tried changing that.. i cant.. i'm a bitch and i like to bitch.. its who i am
I am and independant person and i hate it when people tell me what i should do or think
I don't take myself to seriouslly at times, and i'm a little wierd
I love sprawling out underneath a huge blanket, cuddeling with someone preferably although that doesnt seem to happen very frequently
I love hot chocolate and fire places in the winter
i adore animals, dogs tend to be my favorite just because they always tend to like me, cats are a little bitchy so we dont tend to be as good friends
I love tattoos, its bad because they are addicting. I'm not sure what it is exactly but i feel so comfortable and at home in tattoo shops... i love the sound of the vibrating needle
I am a good listener and rationalizer when it comes to other peoples problems
I am a hard worker and everything i have is a product of my effort through work and school and i'm proud that things havnt been just given to me- i earned them.. --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> Layout by Kyleene Rose -->

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

friendly people

people that are funny

people that are honest

I would like Dane Cook to be my personal comedian

My Blog

its crazy how the good can become the bad

I feel like i have had many experiences in my life that have been able to teach me very import lessons in life. But, it seems that the lessons you learn cannot always be applied to the same situations...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 19:49:00 GMT

It is true... I am officially a graduate

I did it, it is final and done. I passed everything all degree requirments have been met and friday is graduation. Then, I have off all weekend to celebrate graduating and turning 22.
Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 22:06:00 GMT

My quirkiness

For some reason, I have this amazing ability to cut to the shit. I am not a person full of flowery words and expressions; I am a straight shooter. I say what I mean and leave as little confu...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 16:33:00 GMT

My thoughts on men and relationsips

I truly love and admire men. There is somthing about being in the company of a male that makes me feel at ease and safe... unless they are creepy and trying to get down my pants. I get along with men ...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 14:31:00 GMT


THE UNCOMFORTABLE SURVEY. (let's see if you can get through it. if not, you're too scared about your past)-1. Longest relationship?3 1/2 years2. Shortest relationship:2 weeks3. How many boyfriends/gir...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 00:18:00 GMT

It was a good day

So this morning I went to the doctor.. again! Although this time I waited to see my primary doctor, and anyway he said I have a sinus infection and bronchitis. So I went to the pha...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 20:34:00 GMT

Where i am going next august

I have done a little researching and it seems there are not too many colleges in New York that have the program major that I want. I looked into mansfield and I think they are going to be my best...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 22:50:00 GMT

I am Evil

I am always so well behaved.. lol (kinda!) but, sometimes i really enjoy my naughty little thoughts :) I just dont act on them.. (usually)  
Posted by on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 20:27:00 GMT

haha this is soo funny.. piece of ass application

Name:______________________ City:______________________ State:_____________________ Age:__________ Phone:______________ Hair Color:__________ Real Hair Color:____________ Eye Color:___________ Weight:...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 22:14:00 GMT

i'm this girl

Im the girl who will put her head on your shoulder, not because she's sleepy, but because she wants to be closer to you...I'm the girl who likes to be kissed in the rain, more than inside your bedroom...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 14:54:00 GMT