I love Dorks, nerds, freaks... people that other people consider out of the "norm" or wierd. let's be honest what the fuck and who the fuck is normal? I'm not
I like jeans, tshirts and hoodies
I'm a night owl
I Put brides in wedding dress's for a living, and go to school to make a real living...someday
i have explosive laughter, its really loud and frightens people sometimes
I am ticklish as hell
i wear socks if i fall asleep next to anyone because i'm afraid thier cold feet will touch me
i am an extrovert
I love movies, they are the shit
i spontanously bust into song and dance while driving sometimes
i cant dance but people like to watch me try
My best friend is Derek.. He knows me better than anyone and we are dysfunctional but thats how we function
i drink and dial
i am stubborn as hell sometimes
i just realized a couple of months ago that i kinda have dimples... i guess that means i'm not very observant
i love anything with peanut butter, we might fight over it.. and i will win
i randomly bite people sometimes.. its usually on the shoulder but, i enjoy it so you should too
I love men but i tend not to trust them
i am one of the most honest people you will meet mostly because i lack the ability to think before i speak
I read books alot, it adds excitment to my dull life
I talk alot, sometimes the things i talk about mean something.. sometimes they dont. I tend to bitch alot, ive tried changing that.. i cant.. i'm a bitch and i like to bitch.. its who i am
I am and independant person and i hate it when people tell me what i should do or think
I don't take myself to seriouslly at times, and i'm a little wierd
I love sprawling out underneath a huge blanket, cuddeling with someone preferably although that doesnt seem to happen very frequently
I love hot chocolate and fire places in the winter
i adore animals, dogs tend to be my favorite just because they always tend to like me, cats are a little bitchy so we dont tend to be as good friends
I love tattoos, its bad because they are addicting. I'm not sure what it is exactly but i feel so comfortable and at home in tattoo shops... i love the sound of the vibrating needle
I am a good listener and rationalizer when it comes to other peoples problems
I am a hard worker and everything i have is a product of my effort through work and school and i'm proud that things havnt been just given to me- i earned them.. --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> Layout by Kyleene Rose -->
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