basic griminess, and slickness.also staring into the sun for long periods of time, referring to myself in the third person, rubix cube while I sleep, printing my own money, using my x-ray vision glasses, filling out applications and for position desired putting in "boss", reading phone books and detailed street and topographical maps of various cities.
holla @ me for graphic and web work...I'm tired of working on computers and networks..need something creative to do... ";
Spacey, dreamy, scientifically funky type stuff...mostly music with no words.
different type of look and film exposure, letterbox type stuff, don't know how to describe, but it usually aint the hollywood and box office stuff...I really dig flicks with subtitles and no english.
I like calling the shopping networks and saying "Im just browsing"....
books of matches, books of food stamps, books of 50-dollar bills, phone books of various cities (refer to "GENERAL"), oh you mean books, and some other books that help me know things, and understand certain things..all kinds of categories...and books that a get me kidnapped once the police state is ushered in...
Electricity, the MPC2000, The Waldorf PPG Wave virtual synthesizer, FM-7 Virtual synth, MIDI cables, multi-track recording technology, binary math....and whoever or whatever initiated the Big Bang...