We don't play shows anymore. It was fun while it lasted.Aaron Oyster, Jon Hale, and Josh Makela started jamming together in July 2006. None of them were expecting anything of consequence to come of it, until late in the month, when they began to realize their potential, and had a repetoire of 5 or 6 songs prepared. At this point, they realized they needed a singer, since Josh (the only option at the time) would obviously not be able to fulfill the position. They put out a bulletin requesting a singer, and one of Josh's friends, Richey Wiser, responded. With an influx of powerful lyrics, the band took off, and had organized their first show within a month of their conception. Since then, they have played at various venues in a 4-county area (Rappahannock, Culpeper, Warren, and Fauquier) and consistently played 2 shows per month on average. After a while, the band began to stagnate. The original trio parted ways with Richey, and not long after, due to several injuries on Josh's part, and lack of a songwriter, they disappeared from the show circuit.
After a brief hiatus, Josh reluctantly took on singing duties, and the band scheduled their triumphant return. unfortunately, Aaron's brother passed away not long after, and the band went on yet another short hiatus. They played their final show before Josh left for college, and exited quietly.
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