"big tony" arredia, 60016, 60018, beacon tap, bums, campground road, crappy downtown, crazy historical society ladies, currency exchanges, des plaines, dp bowl, dp mall, dp river floods, driving to other cities, georges market, gift depot, harper college, honda whores, lake opeka, maine west high school, mary beth tighe, mcdonalds, mexicans, no starbucks, oakton community college, polskas, poor city management, prairie lakes, rand park, really big libraries, reno, save the dp theater, shitty july 4th parades, sims bowl, speak out, sugar bowl, taco bell, the bog theater, the choo-choo, the circle, the ginormous driving range, the music factory, the mw security staff, the s-curve, the strip, trailer parks, trains, v&s variety, video mania, white suburbans.
Fine-ass ho's, such as yourself. People from DP. People who have ever been to DP.
Mayor Paul Jung.