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I fuckin hate gettin arrested !!!!!

About Me

hey wuts poppin my name is kory im from erie and now im livin in Union City kickin it wit my homies in uc jus got my own place luvin it partyin like a champ lol ya'll no wut im bout recordin for icehouse productions check me out peace oneAkon ft. Obie - Snitch

Add to My Profile | More VideosWhy Why is it that I'm the one you hate, Why is it the sight of me that makes you irrate, Why is there police brutality, Why is it in your eyes you've already foresakin me, Why does my mother never stay around to long, Why does my father act like I'm always the wrong, Why am I the one always in trouble, cuz see I do not search for it it seems, That trouble always searches for me, Why did my friends go on that run, Why did that man die from my hand with the gun, Why is money the only thing that seems to move me, Why is it when you look at me I already know what you see, You see an alone white boy who wants to be a G, Why is it that Ron is the only one to takes time to know me, Why is it that this world will never change me.Kory Paul DurfeyCopyright ©2006 Kory Paul Durfey
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Kory durfey's Fortune
for December 27, 2006

Fortune by myYearbook.com
the World's Biggest Yearbook!

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What I see Drive By's after drive by's is all I see, Homocide after homocide don't let it be me, One sqeeze of the trigger empty's more than 1 heart, Marriage propzals till death do us part, reputations and street cred is on ones mind, Empty shell casings and old lady's crying, I see brothers killing brothers, Not over knowledge but over colors, The streets are at war, But if u look what are we fighting for, Stop the violence every night I pray, When I go to sleep everything goes away, But as soon as I wake, I see the same thing every dayKory Paul DurfeyCopyright ©2006 Kory Paul Durfey
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What Baseball Player Are You

Derek Jeter
You are the yankee captian you are a 5 tool player, you are good at everything and you are a nice person

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The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Blue
Hair Color:: dirty blonde / brown
Height:: 6' 2"
Favorite Color:: blue
Screen Name:: faze
Favorite Band:: Big L
Favorite Movie:: Menace to society
Favorite Show:: ufc
Your Car:: don't have one
Your Hometown:: Erie PA say sumtin
Your Present Town:: keene
Your Crushes First Name:: can't say that dawg
Your Grade:: 12
Your Style:: me
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: yeah
Kissed someone in the rain?: yes
Danced in a public place?: naw
Smiled for no reason?: yeah
Laughed so hard you cried?: yup
Peed your pants after age 8?: naw wtf is this
Written a song?: plenty
Sang to someone for no reason?: naw
Performed on a stage?: yup
Talked to someone you don't know?: yeah
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yeah that sux
Made out in a theatre?: yuppeer
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: naw
Been in love?: yes luv hurts
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: my lil brother
Tell you, I love you?: my mom
Kiss you?: erica
Hug you?: i dunno
Tell you BYE?: can't remember
Write you a note?: erica
Take your photo?: hudson
Call your cell phone?: seamus
Buy you something?: i can't remember
Go with you to the movies?: erica
Sing to you?: the nurse at the hospitol when i was born
Write a poem about you?: never have had one
Text message you?: erica
Touch you?: wtf this is weird
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: a while ago
Time you cried?: last night
Movie you watched?: boss'n up
Joke you told?: i havent laughed in a while
Song you've sang?: ways of the world
Time you've looked at the clock?: 1:50
Drink you've had?: kool aid and vodka
Number you've dialed?: 3575042
Book you've read?: ?
Food you've eaten?: tunafish
Flavor of gum chewed?: blue
Shoes you've worn?: adidas
Store you've been in?: norms
Thing you've said?: wut it is hoe
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: yeah but not good
Whistle?: yup
Blow a bubble?: yeah but don't get ne ideas
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yeah
Cross your eyes?: yeah
Touch your tounge to your nose?: naw
Dance?: hells yeah
Gleek?: when im not tryin
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yessur
Speak a different language?: a lil bit
Impersonate someone?: yeah
Prank call people?: naw im to grown
Make a card pyramid?: naw
Cook anything?: yeah
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: time machine i would go back to erie
I wish ...: i was rich
So many people don't know that ...: i don't like being a tough guy
I am ...: hurt badly
My heart is ...: broken beyond repair
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K Kinky
O Odd
R Relaxed
Y Yum
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From Go-Quiz.comMy Prayer Lord can you hear what I say to you, Can you hear my prayers when I pray to you, Will you protect me when I go to war, Will you forgive me and the people I ignore, Do you know every move I make, Or do you ignore me because of my past mistakes, I know I don't pray as much as I should, But I try to be good, Help me out sometimes I wish you would, Like Tupac said am I less holy, because I puff a blunt and drink a beer with homies, I speak in hip-hop and I do need your help now, Or are you ignoring me because I'm hell bound, You can use me to speak and teach these people, I can use your wisdom to teach the ghetto gospel, Lord please don't forsaken me, And for all my mistakes forgive me.Kory Paul DurfeyCopyright ©2006 Kory Paul Durfeylil zane

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What thug drink are you?

Gin and Juice
Youre a pimp. You like to make money all the time, and you drink and never get f-ed up. You keep it cool because you gotta make that money.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Street Struck Stuck at piont blank not knowing what to do, Every option you have feels wrong to you, People will be mad no matter what you decide, So you ask yourself what is the piont of trying, Life is to short to be this hard, It's like a game of poker and god deals the cards, Feeling alone and like nobody understands, People say find god he'll take your hands, How can you find one man when there are so many devils, As dreams get stomped on like southern rebels, Money, Power and respect are all things we pray for, But the only way to achieve that is with a fourty four, So now your stuck in this life of sin, When you play with the streets they always suck you in.Kory Paul Durfey


Get this video and more at MySpace.comThe Game I might 16, and to u I am younger, But, Ive experienced more and have felt the hunger, The life I led was nothing to be proud of, But now I've changed and my life I am proud of, I've experienced things u wouldn't believe,unless u've seen, I've done things that still haunt my dreams, Most might label me as a gangsta, But the roads I've encountered were foresakin and untold, I walked the road with my chest out and bold, The shootings and violence will never decest Unless somebody stops it and brings peace to the streets, I see kids five years old so eager to be G's, So many things on my mind one couldn't believe, The drug dealing and killing hopefully will change, But were all powns and life's just a game.Kory Paul DurfeyCopyright ©2006 Kory Paul DurfeyTake the quiz:
Whats Your Stoner Nickname? (PICS)

Never Sober
You are the kid who can't seem to put down the Ganja. You often find yourseld feeling more out of your zone when your sober then when you are stoned. You have permantly friend your brains and have aquired the intellgence of a 5th grader. You are fun to hang with but often hard to cummunicate with because you are retarted. Your a Chill person to hang with at the least
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!