nicely_done profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

All I can say is that people have to accept me as I am.(clumsy, recklessly reckless.....hahahaaa :D

My Interests

BOOKS!FOODS!MUSICS! Everything under the sun and on the earth... I'm a curious type of person. I wanna know evrythin', so sue me...

I'd like to meet:

some1 funny, sexy, cute, amicable, and....Opps wait a minute, tat's ME i'm talking about. Huh, basically any1 tat want 2 meet Me!! :)


R&B, HipHop...bla bla... classical music but NO heavy metal 'ughh!'


The Sound of Music, Casablanca, Audrey Hepburn's moviez, Star Wars trilogy, Speed, Sorority Boys, Halloween, Finding Nemo, The Fast&TheFurious, The Incredible (Jack2 sooo cute), PGL.....hmm can't hardly wait 4 Kungfu Hustle..


Angel, Bewitched, Scrub, Gilmore Girls, Alias, Crayon Shin-Chan, CSI, Survivor, Dexter's Laboratory (Dee Dee), Crayon Shin-Chan, Kim Possible,Spongebob Squarepants.......ntah la, bnyk sgt citer kartun.


I told you before... I LOVE BOOKS...especially fictions. Anne Rice, john Grisham, Nora Roberts, Danielle Steel, Khadijah Hashim... all in all juz give me any type of books, i'll juz read it..


My dad...SuperDad!

My Blog

Hate or Love?

When u say u hate something/someone...u might find that the very thing u hate is what u needed most. so remember when u say u hate something, it might come back 2 haunt u...huahaaha nak tau nape cuz...
Posted by nicely_done on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST