BOOKS!FOODS!MUSICS! Everything under the sun and on the earth... I'm a curious type of person. I wanna know evrythin', so sue me...
some1 funny, sexy, cute, amicable, and....Opps wait a minute, tat's ME i'm talking about. Huh, basically any1 tat want 2 meet Me!! :)
R&B, HipHop...bla bla... classical music but NO heavy metal 'ughh!'
The Sound of Music, Casablanca, Audrey Hepburn's moviez, Star Wars trilogy, Speed, Sorority Boys, Halloween, Finding Nemo, The Fast&TheFurious, The Incredible (Jack2 sooo cute), PGL.....hmm can't hardly wait 4 Kungfu Hustle..
Angel, Bewitched, Scrub, Gilmore Girls, Alias, Crayon Shin-Chan, CSI, Survivor, Dexter's Laboratory (Dee Dee), Crayon Shin-Chan, Kim Possible,Spongebob Squarepants.......ntah la, bnyk sgt citer kartun.
I told you before... I LOVE BOOKS...especially fictions. Anne Rice, john Grisham, Nora Roberts, Danielle Steel, Khadijah Hashim... all in all juz give me any type of books, i'll juz read it..
My dad...SuperDad!