my siblings, my family in general, chetdog, jackcat, emmacat, windows, harmony, rhythm, cooking things, savory things, recording in GarageBand, justice, injustice, equality, 'freedom', being emotionally buried by your past (or mine), rights, livelihoods, health care, paternalism, love, loving, partners, truth, directness, falsehoods, honesty, folding laundry, doing dishes by hand, silkscreening, "the man" and those crazy things he does, planning things (but not too much), running.
people who make themselves happy rather than rely on other people to make them happy.
Miranda Sound, Jon Chinn + 1803, The Celebrity Pilots, Tiara [RIP], Kopaz, The Whiles, Brainbow, Pretty Mighty Mighty, The All Golden, Pinback, The Wrens, Dismemberment Plan, Wilco, Nada Surf, Doveman, Centro-Matic, South San Gabriel, Rilo Kiley, Dinosaur Jr., DCFC, Akron/Family, Creeper Lagoon, Sebadoh, The National, Great Lake Swimmers, Slackjaw, The High Strung, Wheat, Matthew Sweet, Sloan, The Vitamen, Neil Young, The Double, Jawbox, +/-, Band of Horses, Constantines, Silversun Pickups, Headlights, The Standard, Pavement, The Posies, Sugar, Explosions in the Sky, Gillian Welch, Menomena, Afghan Whigs, Neil Young, The Beatles, The Byrds, The Animals, GYBE!, Bartok (those string quartets? -- oh yes), Dvorak (the big stuff), Chopin (mostly the Preludes and Nocturnes), Copland (piano and orchestral), Debussey (piano), Nadia Boulanger (most all), Bach (most all), Dave Brubeck (most all).
I like Wim Wenders, Jim Jarmusch, Sophia Coppola, and those kinds of things.
Cable a la carte, s'il vous plait.
Postcards (Proulx); The Shipping News (Proulx); Written On the Body (Winterson); An Enemy of The People (Ibsen); Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (Foer); McSweeney's short story volumes; everything by Raymond Carver; Market, State and Community (Miller); almost any non-fiction.
My grandfather, parents, and siblings. People in bands that work hard. People that work hard in general. People that are both happy and honest with themselves.