Berkana Against the Time. profile picture

Berkana Against the Time.

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me


"I think you can understand what I feel when I play or listen to music... I think you know that sensation... The soul starts dancing, softly. You close your eyes to relish deeply that marvellous sensation, a calm bliss, the chaos of the world you have inside becomes harmony. Your body seems to burn but you don't feel pain. And all at once, the dance becomes more and more animated and violent... a strong emotion makes you believe that your soul is going to pierce the breast and join the Sensation and the Music outside. But in no time everything is vanished, impassive and calm...only a veil on your body..."Some years ago, on 20th december 1985, the Earth gave birth to Mirko Iapicca in a village called Torre del Greco (NA). This child grew and became a boy in Torre Annunziata (NA),where he discovered his passion and his talent for writing and music as the most high expressions of HIS art and himself. Thanks to particular sensibility and determination, he tried successfully to express his deep being, emotions and feelings, creating and playing his own melodies with his guitar "Berkana". This name refers to the Celtic rune that simbolyzes fertility, growth,new birth and beginning, and in a short time,for this meanings, Mirko decided to call himself Berkana, as a good auspice for his art and his strong ambitions.
Then, he became a member of his current band "Kief"(indie), as guitar player and lyrics writer with Gianfranco Pellegrino (Polvere). Their music and songs give life to opposite sensations at the same time, keeping something hide and mysterious. For the eastern philosophy,the word "kief" means the true and absolute happiness,and Berkana thinks it is the veil that remains on your body after having perceived the deep and beautiful sensation the music can make you feel. Kief is the impassive tranquillity after the caothic harmony and the painless fire of your soul. These concepts permit to relate the word "berkana" to the word "kief",'cause the first can simbolyze the means (fertility) to reach the aim (kief,or absolute well-being, happiness, bliss).
In 2007, Mirko gives birth to his solo-project: he experiments new sounds mixing noises from the daily life and manipulated voices. Berkana's purpose,infact, is to make his music communicate without lyrics, let her speak and tell what the feelings of the author are, and express them perfectly.
The name of the first Ep, "Moksha",takes inspiration from the hindu philosophy,and it represents the last aim of existence, the realization of each one,but also the transcendent, the salvation,the reliefs from the ties and from the reincarnation cycles. It can mean also a direct experience of the union between the human being and the infinity. The concept of "Moksha" with the ones of "kief" and "berkana" reflect and underline the main aspects on which the art and, consequently, the existence of Berkana is based.
" softly reopen your eyes as if you were afraid that the sensation could fall down and you see it, it's on your hands, on your body, on your curtains, in your room, 'cause Music is Art and Art is in everything; you only have to be able to listen to Her voice, and if you know how to do it, She will reveal the secret that someone heard in the past, and that sleeps inside us today...the secret to be eternal"
Berkana - Plain Clothes (B&B Project)
Berkana - Wild Strawberries

My Blog

"mEMoRie - My hOme"

    Una mela rossa è casa mia. E rude e fredda come una roccia S'erge maestosa nella  foresta. Una mela rossa è casa mia. Come i petali di un papavero al sole. Le stanze vuote e nere ...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 03:45:00 GMT

"mEMoRie - gRamMi"

    &&   Si Apre Il Mosaico&   -         E' così grande! -         Cosa? -    &...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 10:39:00 GMT

"mEMoRie - siMmETriA"

  O   Su in Fondo   Defunti su foto di data attempata Film in un'unica nuova puntata Angeli scuri, coperti da un telo Vegliano ansiosi all'ombra d'un melo.   - O -   Muovendo...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 11:42:00 GMT

"mEMoRie - notTi Di pAnaMa"

    Notti di panama Pensieri lungo le dita Scrivo sulla tua anima L'inchiostro: la mia vita..     "-_-"
Posted by on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 11:51:00 GMT

"mEMoRie - LiuTo"

  Ghianda fertile e senza arguzia Riesci  a sentire il mio richiamo? Riesci a carpire il mio bramoso canto? O sei solo una squallida finestra Sopra ogni asciutta voce Senza semi E spine e ...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 04:22:00 GMT

"mEMoRie - NoiRe"

  Era stesa sul solito prato, ad ascoltare il silenzio delle pietre tombali tra il canto della notte. Soffriva. Si chiedeva cosa stesse facendo la sua metà; se lavrebbe mai incontrata un giorno....
Posted by on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 10:35:00 GMT

"mEMoRie - sEgReTi -

          - Un uomo osserva il vuoto in uno specchio. Trema.     ( Lentezza. Sgualciscimi. )   Danza. Danza e sparisci. Prima che sia troppo tardi. Prima che l...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 10:22:00 GMT

"mEMoRie - sILeNziO -

    - Silenzio -   Tre angeli lavano l'asfalto.   - Ricama immagini, scuoti, brama e dipingi il vuoto di parole.   Tre angeli lavano l'asfalto Lavano l'asfalto e piangono; P...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 10:17:00 GMT

"mEMoRie - onE"

  Lui è sicuro di se. Il fluido scarlatto è nel suo sterco Amabile creatura dalla criniera d'oro.   Lava l'astuzia con la seta. Tu, che vestito di candida amarezza governi l'utopia Belva s...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 03:27:00 GMT

"mEMoRie - toRNa tRa i GatTi"

    ° o O OO OOO OO     Torna tra i gatti Torna tra i gatti e stupiscimi Favole spente sopra false credenze  come gocce. Gocce. Sangue. Trovati un amico o vai via Non puoi as...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 08:26:00 GMT