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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i'm jenna.i'm half puertorican,which means i have a good tan.i hate dumb bitches and cocky can add liars to that list friends mean the world to me,but i wouldn't mind meeting new people.i hate sitting home doing nothing,even though that somtimes takes up alot of my day.being slutty isn't my thing,and peer pressure doesn't faise me one bit. i have no idea what i want to do when i get older,but i know it's going to be somthing exciting and new.for now,i'm just enjoying everything that comes my way:)life is what you make of it.

"let me not be content to wait and see what will happen,but to give me the determination to make the right things happen."

My Interests

my man:)

My Blog

find out who you are.

Find out who you are,   1.)we don't hangout out of school,but i consider you a good friend.i think your hillarious and i love how you call my house 24/7. 2.)you made my New Jersey trip so much fu...
Posted by jenna on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 12:22:00 PST