Fashion, clubbing, dancing and dogs
Anyone with a sense of humour Anyone who loves clothes Anyone who loves dogs Anyone who loves music
House, UK Garage, Grime, Hip Hop, R & B, Soul, Jazz, pretty much anything goes i can bop to anything.
The best film ever is Elf! I love it. Or anything with Will Ferrell, what a guy. I think i love him!
Australian TV makes me want to poke my eyes out!
papillon, its the most amazing book ever! I love reading i have been in Australia for 12 weeks and i've read 10 books, i like David Copperfield too the writing is so imaginative i think i really know the characters when i read it!
My dad, he was a true gent and there aren't many people about who are like he was. My boyfriend, im very hard work! My mum the same reason