Anything artistic (painting, drawing, sketching, collaging, etc...), dressing up, singing karaoke!!, being the center of attention...
If you don't keel over with laughter from this video, you cannot be my friend!!
I love Hip-Hop and Comedy CD's, like Monty Python, Adam Sandler, Firesign Theatre, and Jerry Seinfeld. I could really listen to anything - even SOME country. But not much...Don't hold that against me!
Here's a game:1) think of any movie.2) realize that I have seen it.3) know that i probably own it on VHS or DVD4) understand that i can recite any part of that film for you on cue!Enough said!
REALITY TELEVISION!! I'm a sucker...Project Runway - I love you!
I love word finds, crosswords, coloring books...anything a child would find interesting. Yeah, I'm 27!
Walt Disney. My Mom. Anyone willing to make an ass of themselves.