Sy; reading, reading and more reading; painting; writing; that leaves little time for much else. I'm outside everyday, that's a must, even if it's 30 below!
Haunani Kay, a strong, political woman who inspires me. Subcommandante Marcos, his writings and the balaclava intrigue me. Certainly the Dhali Lama, he always makes me smile...just to look at his face. There are too many people I'd love to meet. I find everyone interesting in their own way.
Anything and everything...there's a time and place for it all...except Kenny G and elevator music..VERY wrong on every level!
I like foreign films and I really have a thing for Samurai and martial arts movies...strange I know...horror movies scare me! LOL I like to laugh out loud so funny is good.
It's winter, hooked the cable up again...and you know, there's NEVER anything good on!
Mostly political science (school) for light reading, I try to read the classics...I hate to admit it but I'm into the Oprah Book Club shit...she has good taste in fiction! I've got a Canadian Native Literature course this term and I am truly inspired...the last twenty years of indigenous writing is crazy good!
My grandparents, my daddy, sister, anyone who is brave and strong enough to stand up for the things they believe in...and simply be who they are without fear.