Marta profile picture


Beautiful Existance!

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only -

My Interests

Snowboarding, water sports, beaches, camping, animals, music and a lot more, just too many to list.

I'd like to meet:

Meet? No, I don't want to meet, just interact.


Classic rock, alternative rock, electronic, country, pop, classical. I think that's about it.


Movies with meanings. Movies that touch ones soul. Movies that make one relate.


Don't watch t.v. very much.


Autobiographies and biographies on people that lead significant and intriguing lifestyles.


Must Have Myspace Survey
Name:: Marta
Current Town:: Bolton
Birthdate:: January 22 1980
Astrological Sign:: Aquarius
Current School/Job:: Sales & bartender!
Eye Color:: Navy blue-purple
Height:: 163cm
Hair Color:: black, auburn, red
Shoe Size:: 7
Sexual Orientation:: I like boys!!!
Color:: All colours!!!
Music Type/Band:: I love music, all kinds of music!
Hang out Spot:: Mary's house.
Non-Alcoholic Beverage:: Black currant juice rocks!
Alcoholic Beverage:: Vodka!
Store:: Depends... there are sooo many.
Love Song:: Anything by Shania Twain, Faith Hill or Tim McGraw
Vacation Spot:: I love Cuba!!! Cuba, si!
Date Spot:: Any spot that's spontanious.
School Subject:: School... it's been so long, but my forensics course was the best!
Shoe Brand:: Silly question. I LOVE all shoes!
TV Show:: First 48
Movie:: Legends of the Fall, The Notebook, Garden State, etc.
Actor/Actress:: Charlize Theoren
Restaraunt:: Oh... the one in Pto. Vallarta. Can't remember the name.
Comedian:: Dunno.
Website:: Dunno.
Have you ever...
Run away?: Yes, for like one day.
Had a crush on the same sex?: No!
Drank (alcohol) with your parents?: Since I was 17.
Shoplifted?: Yup! Not proud of it but I did it!
Seen a gay porno?: Hell Yeah! They are fucking hilarious!
Smoked pot?: Hmmm. Watcha talkin' bout Willis?
Been chased by cops?: No.
Turned in a friend for money?: For petty amount, like $20 or $40.
Thrown up on your crush?: No, but in front of him on my parents bed!
Cheated on your "significant other"?: Never. I don't believe in that. It's been done to me though!
Been in love?: Yes!
Said "I love you" when you didn't mean it?: Nope. I will never do that.
Hooked-up (or frenched) your same-sex friend?: Yes I did!
Been in a band?: Are you kiddin me?? I'd break all the windows.
Stolen from your friend?: No.
Used someone?: Not really.
Hooked-up with your frends boy/girlfriend?: NO!
Done a pole-dance?: Sure... but not at a bar.
Do you...
Drink?: Occasionally
Smoke?: Nope
Do drugs?: Nope
Shoplift (on a regular basis)?: NO!
Cut? (or any other form of self-abusment)?: Are you retarded!!??
Play an instrument?: Yes, the flute! Ha ha ha!!
Love someone?: Yes.
Sing?: In my car.
Have a "fuck-buddy" (or FWB)?: No.
Play a sport?: Nah.
Believe your horoscope?: No, but I believe in astrology.
Secretly like country?: I openly LIKE country music.
Can you...
Wink?: Sure.
Dance?: I'm not too bad.
Lie to your friends?: No.
Roll your tounge?: Yes.
Speak another language?: Polish
Play the drums?: Hell no.
Sing? (well): No.
Make fun of yourself?: Of course.
Listen?: Yes, I can.
Control your jelousy?: If I trust you, yes.
Hot-wire a car?: Nope.
Drive?: And ride motorcycles!!!
Do you prefer...
Coffee or Soda?: Neither... I like juice.
Men or women?: Men, but I think I'm going to switch to Women.
Eyes or smile?: Smile.
Ass or abs?: Abs.
Vodka or Rum?: Vodka.
Staying in or going out?: Staying in.
Parties or clubs?: Parties.
Rap or Rock?: ROCK!!!
Board games or computer games?: Board games!!! So much more fun!
Truth or dare?: DARE!!! I'm nuts like that.
Myspace or Livejournal?: MySpace.
Blonde or brunette?: Brunette.
Long-hair or short-hair?: On a guy - short.
Piercings or tatoos?: Both.
Dancing or watching?: Watching.
Playing the field or commiting?: Commiting.
Florida or Cali?: Never seen either, but I think Cali.
Black or white?: White.
Shopping or Spa-ing?: Spa!
Cooking or ordering in?: Cooking - but not by me. Someone else has to cook.
American Eagle or Hot Topic?: Huh?... Winners!
(Girls)Wearing heels or tennis shoes?: Running shoes, but heels are sexy!
(Guys) Girls in heels or tennis shoes?: ---
Swimming or tanning?: Both.
Drinking or drugs?: Smoking weed.
Hotel Party or House Party?: House party.
Socks or no-socks?: Socks!!
Summer or Winter?: Summer!!!!!!!!! I love summer.
Last person...
You said "Hi" to:: My plumbing suppliers.
Who said "Hi" to you:: My plumbing suppliers.
You hugged:: Mary.
You kissed:: Kurt
You danced with:: Oh man. Too far back.
Who called you:: Gabbie.
You called:: Gabbie.
Who IMed you:: Charles.
Who dissed you:: Kurt
You dissed:: Greg.
To make you laugh:: My boss Frank.
You made laugh:: Mario.
To sing to you:: Huh?
You sang to:: Walter at Kareoke
Who bought you something:: Don't remember.
You bought something for:: Kurt.
You went shopping with:: Kurt.
You went to a movie with:: Kurt.
You liked:: Kurt.
Who broke up with you:: Rob.
You broke up with:: Kurt.
You cheated on:: No One!
Who cheated on you:: Rob.
You loved:: Rob.
Who loved you:: My parents and friends.
You said "I love you" to:: My friends, all the time.
Who said "I love you" to:: Rob... but that's sooo long ago.
You drank with:: Mary and Rosemary. Wine!!!
You said "Bye" to:: Gabbie.
Who said "Bye" to:: Gabbie.
Which of your friends is...
Funniest?: Vinny!!!
Newest?: Hmm. Can't remember.
Hottest?: Kate.
Your best friend?: Gabbie and Michelle
The most shy?: I don't think I have shy friends.
Loudest?: Me and Mary!!!
Quietest?: Jackie.
The most honest?: Most of them.
Stupidest?: Hmm... None.
Smartest?: We are all pretty smart.
Most stubborn?: ME!!!
Ditziest?: Me!!!
Most considerant of others feelings?: All of them.
A push-over?: Me.
Flakiest?: Don't think any of them.
Most annoying?: I don't hang out with annoying people.
The biggest fake?: Don't have those friends either.
Bitchiest?: Michelle.
Nicest? (or most nice?): Gabbie.
Funnest?: Mary.
The best dancer?: Mary... ha ha ha.
The best singer?: Walter.
The most studious?: Huh?
The biggest partier?: MARY!!!
"Most likely to be succesful"?: Gabbie.
A "Love-a-holic"?: Don't know.
The most original?: Barb.
The biggest back-stabber?: Got rid of those friends.
"Most likely to be rich because of who they marry"?: Neither of us.
First thing you think of...
Whore:: Carly.
Party:: Mary.
Cucumber:: Salad.
Heart:: Love.
Rainbow:: I love it.
Laguna Beach:: Peace and relaxation.
Donna Karan:: Some designer chick.
Fake:: LOSER!
Radio:: Chum FM... ha ha ha, I'm getting old.
Fall Out Boy:: Uh huh... that's a band, right?
Hot Dog:: Vendi-dog d/t TO.
Milk:: Cow.
Crayons:: Michelle's girls!
Condom:: Sex.
Sex:: I love it!!!
What would you do if...
You could fly?: I would fly.
You were rich?: Pay off my debts, donate $$ and go travelling.
You were asian?: Asian Guy? I'd get a penis enlargement!
You had 12 toes?: I'd get bigger shoes!
You were a fish?: Swim with the sharks.
You were famous?: I'd spend all kinds of money on others.
You could sing?: I'd sing with Bono or Chris Martin.
You were in love?: I'd be the happiest person on this planet.
This was the end?: I'd go and hang out in heaven!
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My Blog

This Sux!

How come when people get together, it's always a one way street. Either the  boy likes the girl more than the girl likes the boy and vise versa. It's so hard to find a partner that shares the sam...
Posted by Marta on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 05:48:00 PST

More "About Me" quizes!

...because these are fun!!1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank?MGD!2. Do you follow college football?nope3. How many miles does your car have on it?almost 30,000 KM and it's only 1 yrs old...
Posted by Marta on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 07:52:00 PST