The Wonderful World of Harmony Williams IV profile picture

The Wonderful World of Harmony Williams IV

About Me

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My Dearest Amy-Lou,

Please find enclosed the second chapter in the hair-raising adventure of Emmy-Pooh and the Things from Uranus.

I must tell you that it is a very difficult process to send post over such a vast distance and from such a desolate location as Transylvania. I hope that my letters reach you in good condition. There is only one post office here and it is open for only a few hours per day, two days a week and never after dark.

I am in Transylvania pursuing my lifelong search for Vampires. I have seen many strange sights, heard many bizarre sounds and had two very close shaves since I arrived here in 1999 (the barbers is open very infrequently too).

Only the other day as I walked in the red glow of the setting sun I thought I saw on the horizon a swarm of bats twisting and screeching in such a frenzy I feared they were Count Dracula himself back from the grave and intent on revenge. But as I drew closer I saw it was merely my imagination that had conjured such imagery and that the bats were little more than dark leaves blowing in the late evening wind.

Still, a dark beast, a wolf no less, is often to be seen wherever I travel in this cold and desolate land, shadowing my every move. Whether he be simply a fortune hunter out to feast on my flesh or a creature of the darkness with more sinister plans I cannot tell. Both possibilities fill me with dread and I rarely venture outside after four o’clock anymore, as the days grow shorter and the night time now rules the wilderness.

My search continues, and perhaps one day I shall put down in words the full story of the horrors I have seen. Until then, I continue, as you so wish, with the less horrific, but equally astonishing tale of our young friend Emmy-Pooh and her faithful companion Pooh-Bird.

Yours Truly,

Bilious Woods

("Emmy-Pooh And The Things From Uranus" is available from Puffing Books)


My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Bilious Woods, author of Emmy-Pooh And The Things From Uranus


My Blog

The Endlessly Exciting Escapades Of Lolita Ethelred

The Endlessly Exciting Escapades Of Lolita Ethelred Period One   Lolita stood on the other side of the Wooden Forest now in a new and exciting foreign land. She had survived the attack of ...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 13:30:00 GMT

Emmy-Pooh Chapter Four

Bilious Woods The Rather Out than Inn Brathlavia Transylvania Starday 4nd Biember 2002 Amiée Louisa Wan Victoria The Heartlands   My distant companion, I have spent now, some five...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 13:44:00 GMT


bunch of weird technobabble here:::         whatever that means...             Bilious Woods The Rather Out than ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 11:04:00 GMT


Premature   I read 'em back I read 'em back they were not prop'ly dried   I redd 'em bak I redd 'em bak my optimism died   I force myself I force myself to bother going on   ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 05:27:00 GMT

katie says blog

and if katie says blog, you gotta blog right? i mean you can't resist a girl in hat like that. the colours, the brim, irresistible.   Chapter Two..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsof...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 07:51:00 GMT

Emmy-Pooh & the Things from Uranus

Emmy-Pooh & the Things from Uranus by Bilious Woods       Chapter One   Emmy-Pooh lived in a tree house with a super-intelligent canary.   Before we go any further I must ...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 13:34:00 GMT


Being Without You Some Would Call Exile, And Mostly I agree, But then all my X's I give to you, So it is in Eile I shall be.   x               Winged   Upo...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 22:38:00 GMT


The Frozen Food Specialists     Farmfoods are: 'The Frozen Food Specialists'   I know this because -   I saw a guy with a syrup and an oxford tie bifocals and no alibi belly but...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 19:18:00 GMT

thats great it starts with...

i swear a boat just sailed down my street when i woke up i wondered where the day had gone, it was so dark out, i wondered if north korea had pressed something but now i see its God, he's like 'i...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 05:09:00 GMT


the following is a true and not at all made up transcript of what happened the fateful day that scooby-doo was commissioned...   The Scooby-Doo Production Meeting   Barbara is in ...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 19:07:00 GMT