Abi profile picture


i lyke BoYz.... i ThinK eveRy giRl shoUld havE oNE ;)

About Me

hey....i'm abi! what can i say about myself... i'm 17 years old and not all that long til i'm 18!! i'm not that tall at all, have hazel eyes an brown hair... i love to hang around with my gawjuz friends! They are my LYFE!!! i loVe theM soo much!!! GG is My bITch!! shE is the beSt WhoRe mUthA in the World.. loVe goin out with her an pickin up all types of ppl...hav so MANY stories with her... hillarious.. gg i luv yo0h!! u no... without u mY woRld would just SToP!!;) tHen there is the famous jessel...an AWESOME drunk!! I'll wash ur car cammi, i'll wash it realy good... referrring to a CAMERA...jess ur an awesome laugh an wouldn't no what to do without ya!!! UR BEAUTIFUL!! FLICKAAAAAAAA i lOVE her so much its not funny!!! been through so much together and shes so Awesome!! i love ya flick.. goin for rides in my sisters car an gettin lost... best fun!! emmaaa smells like feet... but i love her also!! she has a pretty bad greasy but not as bad as myn... an we love messing around with her!! so fun.. love ya Ema... mwah to my babez... I'll AlWayz b MoE to u.. and u no that the RubbEr will Speak... FARROONN!!! also love shoppin, goin to parties an meeting heaps of new ppl...i'm crazy, fun an pretty easy goin....becoz of gg i hav anger issues now!! lolz..not as bad as her... lolz... lets just say i am pretty impatient!! theres nothin else i can really say but i'm me!! an u beta love it!! :) smiles all around...byeee love me! xxXXxx i'm soooo try-hard gangsta!! i luv it mann!!! peace out brAh.. me an gg = fulli sik gangstaaaz
"s2" AbiZ PoEm "s2"
Onli by the Best lil muNchkiN
...I lovE YoU moRe thaN i LOve the Moon....
...I LoVe yOu MorE than ThE sTarZ....
....AlL tHe waY to VenuS....
...And All the Way to MaRs....
....If yOu EvaR nEed a HuG...
.....Or SomEoNez hAnd to HolD....
.....I ProMise It WilL aLwaYZ be ME UnTil...
.....We'Re greY and Old...
......i HeArt yoU AbI......

My Interests

"ToUch me, TeAse ME, KisS me, PlEase mE!"

I'd like to meet:

lots of ppl... and um jO..that is becoz i luv her oh so much!!! shes myn!!

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WHaT cAN i ReaLLy sAy?!! i loVE danCing... there fore i must like goo d music.... gangstaa, rn'b, rap, dance, techno, a lil pop but not too much!! hate those twinkies haha
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