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I'm Sarah, but better know as Patto!!..I’m 18 and live in Research with my Dad. I pretty much live by myself because he is never home. I just finished year 12 at Eltham College, been their since 1993. I wouldn’t really say I’ve spent aloft of time their this year, but I do miss it so much.
My family consists of a Dad-Mum-Matt (21)-Chris (20)-ME-Kate (16). I love my family, and my friends sooo much. I enjoy the extended family gatherings especially the Pattison ones, something funny always happens.
If I’m not at home I am either out looking at houses, or just doing stupid drives. Having a drivers license is the best thing that could of happened to me.
My bad habits include; talking on my phone whilst driving, spending way to much money in one go – epically when I cant afford it, Cracking every joint of my body, taking of jewelry cause I’m most likely allergic to it then losing it. bringing home animals when I feel like we need a new adition to the family,
Things I hate include; people that waste money on stupid things, having to pay for petrol and seeing my petrol light appear on my dashboard, act dumb in front of boys for attention, knowing that I now have to work for the rest of my life, and no more school and mucking around.
One day I will have some sort of qulifications, but what they are is yet to be undecided... Get your own countdown at