To the women chasing money..... |
The need to find a father toher childrenis the goal of a woman in lifeConscious or unconscious to herself.Dating is a necessary ritualin the process of finding the right manto father her children.Mone... Posted by on Tue, 16 Jun 2009 01:29:00 GMT |
Dream Land Inferno |
I was taken back in time to a point in history where the Earth was still molten lava, although some rock was beginning to form. I was guided by something or someone who wanted to show me what "people... Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 16:25:00 GMT |
Rebirth |
For some reason there is no word in the english language that allows you to retract birth, but it does, however allow you to repeat it.Rebirth.Different people define it in different ways; to the chri... Posted by on Tue, 24 Mar 2009 22:34:00 GMT |
A Letter To My Dad |
This is going to be a blog dedicated to whatever I feel like writing about. I miss you dad and I'm glad you have come to me in my dreams. Although I'm not entirely sure my dreams are a representatio... Posted by on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 22:45:00 GMT |
An Unconventional Poem |
I am consuming my second cup of coffee that I cannot be sure is decaffeinated. I am listening to viking metal. I am thinking about the occurences that may or may not occur when my d... Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 00:32:00 GMT |
Yes |
What the fuck happened to YES?!?!?!? They did a reunion tour in the early 90's but after that there was nothing..... Watching live concert footage from the early 90's only satisfies so much of the ... Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 08:57:00 GMT |
El Fin |
To all who have known me for some time, you might know that I have been, what I've deemed as a "Six Year Freshman" since 2002 when I started college. BUT NOT ANYMORE!!!!!!As of today I completed my l... Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 14:13:00 GMT |
Catching The Fear |
Here is a paper I put together for my writing class this semester. It was, by far, my favorite. For those of you who like to read..... CATCHING THE FEARJames and I had not originally planned on trav... Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 14:03:00 GMT |
Here’s to the Old Testament. Long time, no see. |
Just a reiteration.....
Grisly wildlife trade Exposed in Myanmarhttp://video. nationalgeographic. com/video/player/news/animals-news/burma-wildlife-vin. htmlMyanmar Cyclone toll hits 15,000, Officials... Posted by on Fri, 09 May 2008 20:20:00 GMT |
A trip to the doctor |
To those of you enticed by the title who can be considered parents-to-be, you will be sore to know I am in fact not joining you in expectancy. I knew that title would reel you in :)Akom rushed me to ... Posted by on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 20:59:00 GMT |