KiD DiGiTaL profile picture


As a Man thinks in his Heart, So is He.

About Me

I like people who use big words and don't know what they mean, like me. Your all just so flaracious. See I just made that up, but it sounds awesome! I also like to observe homeless people in their natural environment and watch them interact with one another. We can all learn a lot from the homeless, believe you me. I like to go places in my head, because it's free and the colors are wonderful.....

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

P. Diddy cause I would ask him how he always maintains his sexy, Jem, cause she's truly outrageous. People who live and die for reality television... so I can violently flog them and recommend they get a fukin life. Grimlock cause he wrecks shop, oh yea and also snake eyes cause he's a cool. Optimus Prime, I feel he could offer me some great advice and/or guidance. Doc, cause I would use the Delorean to go back in time, and bet on sports like that prick Biff did. BeetleJuice He seems like a fun guy...%D%A%D%AOr either one of these ladies.... %D%A

My Blog

Japan '08

Summer of  '08. Full on assault of Japan.  The land of Digital being invaded by Digital. Be afraid, be very afraid. 
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 20:17:00 GMT