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About Me

I have an interesting life. I'm currently layed off and enjoying every minute of it. I used to work as a poker supervisor until they decided to downsize because poker isn't that big fad anymore. I live with my two best friends in a bachelor pad. Oh yes....a scary bachelor pad with no girlie shit in clean dishes and unspoiled food.My beer...bud light. My My gay drink...sparks (more like ghetto but it's got a kick and a half) I have been a volunteer firefighter for 5 years. I am currently lead vocalist in a classic/alternativerock band with 3 talented musicians. Finding a name for the band is quite hard so i'll update ya. I enjoy being around people that share the same humor, love to party, and can hold a good conversation. Check out some of my classic party pics. There's nothing better than drinking with good friends.MYFLYPROFILE.NET
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My Blog

My Dating Pet Peeves

MY DATING PET PEEVES by me....Mike 1.) Calling me just so we can breathe on the phone together is NOT my idea of a fun time.  Have some conversation skills or have a purpose of calling. 2.) Guys...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 11:41:00 GMT

Skipping class and forgetting to set your alarm are two different things

I enjoyed a long period of skipping classes for a while there. But the other day, I woke up for class at 8:00am. Very groggy, I got out of bed and turned my alarm off and reset it for 15 minutes ...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 23:06:00 GMT

My Top Ten Fire/EMS calls

10. My home address came over my pager. I responded to a call for my own brother. (alcohol poisoning) 9.   Someone stole a brand new school bus, drove it down some dirtbike trails near ...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:25:00 GMT


Me and Porto decided to visit the volunteer state (whatever the hell that means) and see Steve-O in Nashville Tennessee. I was called a yankee about four thousand times. Gotta love their civil wa...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 23:52:00 GMT