I have an interesting life. I'm currently layed off and enjoying every minute of it. I used to work as a poker supervisor until they decided to downsize because poker isn't that big fad anymore. I live with my two best friends in a bachelor pad. Oh yes....a scary bachelor pad with no girlie shit in site.....like clean dishes and unspoiled food.My beer...bud light. My shot...crown. My gay drink...sparks (more like ghetto but it's got a kick and a half) I have been a volunteer firefighter for 5 years. I am currently lead vocalist in a classic/alternativerock band with 3 talented musicians. Finding a name for the band is quite hard so i'll update ya. I enjoy being around people that share the same humor, love to party, and can hold a good conversation. Check out some of my classic party pics. There's nothing better than drinking with good friends.MYFLYPROFILE.NET
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