CPR Host ~ Kris profile picture

CPR Host ~ Kris

Who or what defines normal?

About Me

On February 24, 2007 Crossroads Paranormal Radio (CPR) was born. The show started out being every Sunday night at 10 EST (which has since been moved to 9 EST) and on April 19, 2007 we added Thursday nights at 9 EST.
Hosting a paranormal radio talk show is something I have wanted to do for a long time and I had kept putting it off. If it wasn't for my husband (and Sunday Co-Host) it probably would still be nothing but a dream. Mike is the one that did the research in finding us a place to host our show. He is the one that signed us up on Blogtalk Radio. He is the one that is always nudging me to do things that I dream of and even the things that I don't want to do but should. In short if it wasn't for Mike CPR would still be a dream.
I not only host the show but I also produce it. This involves scheduling the guests and contacting them before the show to find out what they want to talk about and creating the show's layout. I do not get paid to do the show, at least not monetary wise but in friendships and in seeing groups working together to better the paranormal community. I look at CPR like a public service, giving people a voice in the paranormal community. CPR gives groups, like Crossroads Paranormal, a chance to promote their group, their events or whatever else it is that they wish to talk about.
The support for CPR has been incredible and I appreciate all those that listen live and download the show. Without you CPR would not be what it is.
Crossroads Paranormal
In April 2006 I founded Crossroads Paranormal . Our moto right from the start was "Putting People Above Paranormal". Putting People Above Paranormal is more than a motto for us, it is our belief. Our motto goes beyond our clients, it goes out to the paranormal community. We not only promote unity in the paranormal field but encourage it.
Who is Kris?
I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. I moved to Lafayette, Indiana in 1998 where I currently reside with my husband Mike. I am currently employed as a retail manager and have been with my current employer since 1999.
I became interested in the paranormal at a young age. My interest has now become somewhat of an obsession as I am constantly researching and learning about the paranormal. Since the paranormal is not an exact science there are several opinions and points of view to consider, so you are never "done" learning.
I am a speaker by nature. I enjoy educating people on the paranormal and have done several presentations on the paranormal including but not limited to paranormal investigation training.
I think one of the most memorable moments was when I was able to investigate the "Willard Library" for the Sci-Fi Channel's "Proof Positive". Even though the library was labeled as Proof Negative, it was still a blast and an experience I will never forget.
Guest Request
If you would like to have me as a guest on your show, would like to schedule an interview or would like for me to speak at your upcoming event please contact me via Email .
I am the American Ghost Society Area Representative for North Central Indiana.
I love photography! The below slideshows are some pictures that I have taken. I hope you enjoy them. Feel free to leave a comments about them!!
Here are some of my latest photographs.

My Interests


I enjoy a wide range of music. I can't say that I listen to just one style. I go by what mood I am in. All I can say is that you gotta love XM radio!


I love all kinds of movies. Stephen King's movies are on the top of my list along with anything to do with the paranormal.


Six Feet Under Intro

Ghost Whisperer Intro

TAPS Ghost Hunters - Tombstone Episode

Supernatural intro


I have an extensive library of books on the paranormal and am always adding to it. I just purchased Spook by Mary Roach and Ghost Hunters by Deborah Blum.

My favorite paranormal authors are: Troy Taylor, Vince Wilson, Joshua P Warren, and Lloyd Auerbach. .


There are many people that can be classified as heros, but to me the true heros are the men and women who are overseas, seperated from their families, not being able to share holidays and special events with the ones they love and above all, risking their lives day in and day out for our freedom.


My Blog

The day after Phenomecon 2008

Here I sit the day after Phenomecon and am still amazed by the  support that I witnessed yesterday.  We had an awesome turn out for our first year and it really did exceed our expectations.&...
Posted by CPR Host ~ Kris on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 06:51:00 PST

Kick back and say SPAAAAAAAA

Okay so you saw in my "tagged blog" that I have started my own business.  I am an Indepedent Consultant for BeautiControl.  Soooo.. what does this mean?  It means I travel around (Basci...
Posted by CPR Host ~ Kris on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 03:44:00 PST

I have been Tagged!!! Did I tag you?? You better check!

Tag you are it!Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names a...
Posted by CPR Host ~ Kris on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 06:07:00 PST

Rest in Peace Our Furry Friend

This is the hardest blog I have ever had to write.  I know that many of you who listen to the show have heard some barking in the background and that was our dog making his voice heard on the rad...
Posted by CPR Host ~ Kris on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 05:26:00 PST

The PERFECT Holiday Gift

The Perfect Holiday Gift By: Kris Baker   It isn't about trees with lights all aglow It isn't about packages tied with a bow It cannot be found in stores at the mall For the perfect gift...
Posted by CPR Host ~ Kris on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 07:58:00 PST

Everyday is a gift and...

....how you unwrap it is up to you.  Do you open it slowly, savoring every little moment?  Do you tear into it like a monkey on a cupcake? It doesn't really matter how you open the gift wha...
Posted by CPR Host ~ Kris on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 06:33:00 PST

Who has the rights to your "evidence"?

Okay here we go.. a question for all my friends in the paranormal community. Who has rights to anything you have captured that "may" be paranormal in nature if you are part of an organization? Is it a...
Posted by CPR Host ~ Kris on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 06:42:00 PST

EVP Discovery

I was watching Patrick Burns' presentation on EVP at Ghostock 5 via Webcam.  He was talking about using headphones while conducting EVP.  I had seen him do this on Haunting Evidence and neve...
Posted by CPR Host ~ Kris on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 03:31:00 PST

Crossroad Ghosts

The Crossroads is a place where some meet and some part ways.  It is a place where many "ghostlore" stories take place.  Why? Maybe it is because in some places around the world some "nail d...
Posted by CPR Host ~ Kris on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 06:42:00 PST

Surgery, Travel and Bronchitis OH MY!

Wow!!!  Where has this past month gone??  Well let's see.. I had shoulder surgery 1 month ago, the CPR Crew has been to both Mansfield Ohio and Ashmore IL.  My very good friend She...
Posted by CPR Host ~ Kris on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 04:35:00 PST