My name is Jess. I work at McDonald's and I love it. :O I live a happy, quiet, drama free existence. I bring the sarcasm, wild suggestions and made-up words to the conversation. I am a HAPPY person. I am cynical about people, but believe me, I love the shit out of everybody, flaws and all, kiddos. I used to be in cranky, constant free fall, now I live in my microscopic town with Michael, the love of my life. He is what I wake up for, pretty much the shiny center of my universe. He is my best friend, my favorite person to talk to, the smartest person I know and a super awesome kisser. ;) I have a big, amazing family that I completely adore. My parents are wonderful, I don't know what I would do without them. They have always been funny, supportive and loving. I couldn't ask for better ones. I have two gorgeous, hilarious, brainy sisters. They are my bestfriends and confidantes forever. Even my grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunts and second cousins twice removed are pretty freakin' sweet. My best friend Sammi is an amazing person. She has changed my life forever, I am so happy that I have her.
I am super happy with my life.
I am a lucky bitch.
Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point.
[sic] wastedfriday[at]lj[dotp]com