Quotes To Live For:" We only find truth through questioning constantly"" Life is an endless wave, ride it. And remeber, the roughest of surfs is always the one worth paddling out for."" You haven't lived until you've seen the sunset from the opposite side of the horizon"" I have nipples greg, can you milk me?"Im an energetic, outspoken person who craves adventure and a good time. I'm always the first one to take a risk and the last to take the back seat on anything. Im outspoken and don't hold back...it's been known to get me into trouble sometimes :). I find the most important things in the world are the things you learned in kindergarden. I'm a free spirit who loves being spontaneous. Although i tend to worry every once and while, I still manage to enjoy myself everyday. I love being center of attention and making people laugh. I think that every substancial thought should be recored on paper, and that writing is theraputic. Music is my antitode for rainy days, and theres nothing better than running around bearfoot in the rain. I consider laughing to be an aerobic exercise, so i feel that after a funny episode of That 70's Show, eating an entire of tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream is completely acceptable. I laugh at all my own jokes because i find myself HILARIOUS haha.I have alot of bad habits; such as biting my nails, swearing too much, talking too loud, I am most likely the worst driver in West Michigan, so don't get in a car with me unless you really have to. Im impatient, indecisive, and immature; but the ones who truly care about me always find a way to love me despite my imperfections. I believe that a true friend is someone who walks into your life when the rest of the world is walking out, and will support you no matter what. As you grow older, true friends become rare, and even more precious. I'm a hopeless romantic and think that true love is the stuff you see in the movies. I also think that summer is a time for riding in fast cars with the windows rolled down, skinny dipping, eating popcicles, jumping off bridges and having unforgettable "experiments" that everyone will forget about by the time school starts. HAHA. I think that dreams should never be forgotten, and always chased. There is no dream to big, and no person to small. Most importantly, i believe that happiness is not a final destination, but all the tiny moments throughout our lives that makes each day worth living. And if this unnecessarily long paragraph hasnt summed up who i am enough for you, you better give me a call, send me a text, or IM me or somethin.
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