i know everything happens for a reason but some things you just can't understand why. Something so great can be gone in the blink of an eye. Never take the time you have with your friends or your enemies forgranted, you may never have another chance to show them your true feelings.
R.I.P. Jonathan You will be greatly missed and loved forever and always.
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I love to have fun. Whatever I do. Life is to short to not open up, just let loose and have a good time. With friends, without, with ONE. :) I love being outdoors. Going camping, fishing, and yes... hunting to. I hate being stuck inside. I like to go mud riding to. It's the best on four-wheelers. DIRTY!! JUST DO IT!!!
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I would like to meet... You! :)
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I listen to just about anything. If I like the song I listen to it. I don't really have a fav type of music.
I love Hinder. Awesome!!
Pirates of the Carribean is the best. Johnny Depp and eyeliner. GOD!Age vs. Youth
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I don't really watch TV that much. But I like Spike TV. It's funny stuff
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Sex - 93%
Romance - 100%
Self - Control - 65%
Kissing - 96%
Cuddling - 69%
Kinkiness - 51%
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All kinds of Magazines but I don't really read books except school books. lol
Myself! OF COURSE!! It's a joke
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