Some people come from a family of lawyers, doctors, plumbers, electricians, etc. In my family, it's teaching. My grandmother taught. My mom and dad taught. My sisters teach. Perhaps not surprisingly, I teach now too. And it's exhausting, but rewarding in the sense that, "Gee, I get to eat lunch today. What a reward!"
Strangely, Oakland is my fifth city of residence in the five years since I graduated from college. At this rate, I should consider wrapping my belongings in an old red towel, tying it to a big stick and traveling the U.S. in the back of a Ford pickup truck. But I don't have a Ford pickup. Or a big stick. Or a towel. So maybe I'll just stay here for a bit.
My Hometowns
Long Island, NY (Birth-End of Time)
Washington, DC (August 97-May 03)
Sydney, OZ (Feb-July 00)
San Diego, CA (July 03-June 05)
Boston, MA (Aug 05-June 06)
Oakland, CA (June 06-Present)