- SARA♥LYNN - profile picture


iF GoD bRouGhT yOu tO iT, hE iS gOinG tO gEt yOu tHrOuGh iT * 3

About Me

Myspace Layouts and SO much more from WhateverLife.com! ♥
whateverlife.com onLy maKe mOvez wHen yOuR HEART iS iN iT & LiVe tHe pHrAse "sKy`z tHe LiMiT" ♥

Create Your Own Countdown

" People are often unreasonable, illogical, & self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends & true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity & happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, & it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.You see, in the final analysis, it is between you & God; It was never between you & them anyway."
i dont trust anybody & thats all there is to it.
*heRez tO tHe fUtUrE cUz i`m oVeR tHe paSt *
ThE bEsT tHiinGz iN LifE aRen`t SeEn - tHaT`s wHy wE cLosE oUr eYez wHen wE dReaM -*♥*-
it`s a promise not a label ♥
♥ V S V 4LiFE ♥

My Interests

shopping when possible . chillin w. my LoVe bay shore it`s where i grew up & where the people i love are from . MUSiC You can only push a girl away for so long Until she walks out of your life on her own So be careful & make sure this is what you want Because once she turns around She *isn`t* coming back ♥♥♥

I'd like to meet:





CAM`RON ♥JADAA ♥ LloYD baNks ♥ jUeLz sAntAnaa ♥ LUDA ♥ mEthOd mAn ♥ mObB dEeP ♥ SUBLiME =) jOhN maYeR ♥ bOb maRLeY ♥ eMiNem ♥ rEd hOt cHiLi pEpPeRs ♥ bOb dyLan ♥♥ stYLes P ♥ yOunG jEezY ♥ CiaRa ♥ Danity KanE ♥ DMB ♥ LivE ♥ MarY J. bLigE ♥ ii looooove eRic cLapToN ***♥ uMm NAS ♥ NiRvAna BigGiE DiDdY cHrisTinA agUiLeRa ♥♥ JaY-z ♥ LonG bEaCh dUb aLL sTaRz ♥ ii LiSTEN TO EVERYTHiNG♥


uHm ii waTch baSicaLLy eVeryThiiNg ..but lifetime is ILL


mY fRieNdz & fAmiLy bUt mOsT imPorTaNtLy mY bOyfRieNd - hE haS never LeT.mE.dOwN. ♥♥
sQ.vM.Sv.Vm.nS.Ab.Df.vS 4ever

this is my samii marie.. a.k.a my tTe .. a.k.a my bestest friend everr ♥ love youu! ii LOVEE them ♥♥..