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Jonathan Roiz

About Me

The Biography of Jonathán Roiz "The Messenger"
The life of Jonathán is complex. He is one that lives within his own mind, consumed by his thoughts and emotions. Passionate about making this world a better place. Whether it is in the form of something as simple as bringing a smile to someone's face, or creating a revolution of love bringing social change. The heart of Jonathán takes you on a journey through the chambers of his soul through the vessel of music. Allowing himself to become vulnerable so that you can see the depths of his heart, and the source of his passion. As you journey through each chamber of his soul you find areas filled with intense human emotions. His music is like the Book of Psalms. Exposing the pains, failures, and love that every human being experiences in their lifetime. He is the messenger. The voice of those without a voice. As you travel into the various compartments of his soul you will discover a man who is a dreamer in love with love. A true friend to the end. You see a boy broken and abandoned by the divorce of his family and the loss of the relationship with his Mother. As you turn the corner you witness a romantic man filled with mature sensuality, sensitivity, and mind seductive ability. You find a man that is filled with joy and a sense of humor that can spread laughter into the lives of many like an undiscovered medicine that is the remedy to their hearts pollution. As you continue your journey you are inspired by a revolutionary passionate about changing the world, fighting poverty, child abuse, human slave trafficking, and prejudice through his non-profit foundation, Esperanza Movement Foundation "The Hope Movement". Which Jonathán founded and directs. Finally take a moment to see the pain of his heart. A man at war in the spiritual world. Fighting for his spiritual life. One that feels alone, and forgotten by the very ones who called him friend.
Jonathán is a man that takes on the burdens of those around him, and those around the world. Unexplainable and complex he is sensitive to the emotions of others, and feels their pain. His sensitive heart exposes him to their world, and their emotions. Allowing him to experience their inner longing for love and peace. In his heart he cries for them, and has a passion to help them find a cure for their inner wounds. Step by step as you journey through the paths of his mind. You see a man that has an incredible connection to the spiritual world. Sorting through the spiritual beliefs that were embedded in his mind as a child. Searching for the truth to find his own way. His hunger grows as he longs to be closer to God. Removing the inner sins that come from his human weaknesses. Healing the wounds of the past, and opening the doors to fulfill the will of God for his life. Jonathán is a man who has been misunderstood by those around him. Because they have failed to look behind the smile and see past the surface. As you look through his eyes, the window to his soul. You see life's reflections through the mirror of his words. Exposing his emotions to those who know him, and those who can relate to him through the vessel of his music. Jonathán has turned to the pen to converse with you through song. Often the only one who is listening. His thoughts and emotions are as a book. You cannot judge a book by its cover until your read the contents within. This book has many chapters that have yet to be written. For from his conception. He has faced deception. Obstacles in his way. But what is to be will be, and one day the world will see his destiny come to be.
I am not the writer of my songs, God is. I am nothing more than the pen.
-Jonathán Roiz
Join the Hope Movement
The Documentary of Jonathán Roiz "The Messenger", Journey through the Chambers of my Soul is coming soon.
La Biografía de Jonathán Roiz “El Mensajero”
La vida de Jonathán es compleja. Él es uno que vive dentro de su propia mente, consumido por sus pensamientos y emociones. Apasionado de hacer este mundo de un lugar mejor. Si está en la forma de algo tan simple como trayendo a una sonrisa a la cara de alguien, o creando una revolución del amor que trae el cambio social. El corazón de Jonathán te toma en un viaje a través de los compartimientos de su alma con el mensaje de música. Permitiéndose que lleguen a ser vulnerable de modo que tu puedes ver las profundidades de su corazón, y la fuente de su pasión. Mientras que viajas a través de cada compartimiento de su alma encuentras áreas llenadas de emociones humanas intensas. Su música es como el libro de Salmos. Exponiendo los dolores, las faltas, el amor que todos humanos experimentan en el curso de la vida. Él es el Mensajero. La voz de ésos sin una voz. Pues viajas en los varios compartimientos de su alma descubrirás un hombre que es un soñador enamorado del amor. Un amigo verdadero hasta al final de tiempo. Ves un muchacho roto y abandonado por el divorcio de su familia y la relación pérdida con su madre. Pues das vuelta a la esquina donde que atestiguas un hombre romántico llenado de sensualidad madura, la sensibilidad, con la capacidad seducir mentalmente. Encuentras un hombre que se llena de alegría y de un sentido del humor que pueda separar risa en las vidas de muchos como una medicina sin descubrir que sea el remedio a la contaminación de los corazones. A medida que continúas su viaje estas inspirado de un revolucionario apasionado sobre cambiar el mundo, luchando pobreza, abuso de los niños, trafico humano, y prejudicio con su fundación no lucrativa, Esperanza Movimiento Fundación. Qué Jonathán fundó y dirige. Finalmente tome un momento para ver el dolor de su corazón. Un hombre en la guerra en el mundo espiritual. El una lucha para su vida espiritual. Uno que se siente solito, y olvidado por los que lo llamaron amigo.
Jonathán es un hombre que adquiere las cargas de ésos alrededor de él, y ésos alrededor del mundo. Inexplicable e y complejo él es sensible a las emociones de otras, y siente su dolor. Su corazón sensible le expone al mundo de otros, y sus emociones. Permitir que él experimente su deseo interno para el amor y la paz. En su corazón él grita para ellos, y tiene una pasión para ayudarles a encontrar una curación para sus heridas internas. Gradualmente como viajas a través de las trayectorias de su mente. Ves un hombre que tiene una conexión increíble al mundo espiritual. Buscando la verdad con la creencia espiritual que fue encajado en su mente cuando fue niño. Buscar para la verdad para encontrar su propia manera. Su hambre crece mientras que él desea para ser más cercano al Dios. Quitando los pecados internos que vienen de sus debilidades humanas. Curando las heridas del pasado, y abrir las puertas de satisfacer la voluntad del Dios para su vida. Jonathán es un hombre que ha sido entendido mal por ésos alrededor de él. Porque no pudieron mirar detrás de la sonrisa y ver más allá de la superficie. Miras a través de sus ojos, por la ventana a su alma. Ve las reflexiones de la vida por del espejo de sus palabras. Exponiendo sus emociones a los que le conocen, y las que pueden relacionarse con él por su música. Jonathán ha dado vuelta a la pluma al inverso contigo con la canción. A menudo el único quién está escuchando. Sus pensamientos y emociones están como un libro. No puedes juzgar un libro por su cubierta hasta tu lees el contenido dentro. Este libro tiene muchos capítulos que tengan todavía ser escritos. Desde su concepto. Él ha hecho frente al engaño. Obstáculos de su manera. Pero cuál debe ser sea, y un día que el mundo verá su destino venir para ser.
"No soy el escritor de mis canciones. Dios es el escritor. Soy nada mas de la pluma." - Jonathán Roiz "El Mensajero"
El Documentario de Jonathán Roiz "El Mensajero", Trayectoria por mi Alma viene pronto.
Unie un la revolución del amor ..

My Interests


Member Since: 8/13/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
All songs written, produced, and performed by: Jonathán Roiz "El Mensajero"

All instruments performed by: Jonathán Roiz "El Mensajero"

Toda de las canciones son escritas, producidas, y cantada de: Jonathán Roiz "El Mensajero"

Todo de los instrumentos estan tocados de: Jonathán Roiz "El Mensajero"
* God
* Bob Marley
* Sade
* The Winans
* Prince
* Stevie Wonder
* Marvin Gaye
* Gospel Music
* Steven Wiley
* Run DMC
* Electronica/ Ambient
* Hip-hop
* R&B and Jazz
* Latin & African Rhythms
* Reggaeton & Reggae
Sounds Like:
No other Artist. 100% Original.

Como ningun Artista. 100% Original.
Record Label: Unknown Major
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Definition of Relationship

The day has arrived for a change. God is tired and it is time for a heart decision. You only seek God when you need something from His hand. You never take time to seek His face, and you don't underst...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 06:11:00 GMT

The Uprise of a Hope Movement

The Uprise of a Hope MovementWritten By: Jonathan Roiz See life in my eyes. Walk a day in my shoes. Feel the pain in my heart from years of abuse. Look at my feet I have no shoes. My clothes are torn...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:15:00 GMT

The Life of Jonathán Roiz

The Life of Jonathán Roiz Jonathán Roiz was born on January 15, 1978 of Nicaraguan decent. He currently resides in Miami, Florida. Throughout his youth Jonathán lived a life that involved spirituality...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:12:00 GMT


Masterpiece Written By: Jonathan Roiz "El Mensajero" (The Messenger)        Verse: What do you see when you look at me/ another case of mistaken identity?/ A face without...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 08:59:00 GMT

Child-like Dreamer

Dream of a Broken Dreamer Written By: Jonathán Mark Roiz "El Mensajero" (The Messenger) Verse: Mami went away/ So far away, emotionally/ For she had the victim mentality/ Through it all she forgot abo...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 08:31:00 GMT

Igniting a Revolution

We live in a day and age where there are over 100,000,000 children are living in the streets in the developing world. Half of this disturbing number is in Latin America alone. They are the future of t...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 09:41:00 GMT