Judy, You are truly the first person who has entered life so unobtrusively, with no hidden agenda and only truth and understanding as your goal! You are a very very special woman and I give thanks to God for allowing us to meet. I am looking forward to the next 50 or 60 years with a new zest for life and a a hope for the future that I did not believe I would ever have again. Thank you so much for just being the warm, loving, unassuming beautiful person that you are!Sami, you are my first born and will always hold a special place in my heart. We have had our rough times, but we both know why that is. I was so thrilled to be able to celebrate your 20th birthday with you and Mikey! You are such a fine young woman now and I just keep asking myself' "where did all of the years go?" I love you baby girl and always will!Rissy, what can I say? You are such a big part of my life right now and I am enjoying every minute of it! Well OK maybe not EVERY minute but almost all of them! LOL You are such a sweet and loving young woman, so tough yet so fragile. You are a truly special person and I love you with all of my heart. I will always be there for you no matter what the reason or need! I am sooooo proud of you, you are working so hard AND making honor roll in school, what more could I ask of you???? I also want to thank you for being my best friend as well and I pray daily that will never change! Just always be true to yourself and your convictions and you will go far in life and I will always be your biggest fan! I LOVE YOU!Aaron, I only wish that we had more opportunity to spend time together but that other person won't seem to allow it! I want to talk to you and be a bigger part of your life but someone else always seems to have plans or manages to block those efforts. As time goes by I know we will form the relationship that we should have, we may have to wait until you are older and away from outside influences that tell you lies and deceive you into thinking things that are not true! I love you and will be here for you when the time comes!Jacob, My youngest child you are a joy to my heart and I love when you are around, I only wish I had your endless energy and enthusiasm for life and all it has to offer! You are an amazing little guy and I love you dearly! Keep that funloving happygolucky spirit with you always, it makes you who you are! Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com