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About Me

My name is christopher but im often refered to as chris. I currently reside in the small town of st paul, minnesota, where i was born and raised. This is my story......I am the 2nd son of my mother and the first and only son of my father(miss u). I grew up with my mother and brother in the house with me, since things didnt seem to work between my mother and father but I remained close to them both. I grew up in the "hood" where i learned many lessons and made many mistakes but the hood will always be apart of who i am. Went to public school where i met most of the people that influenced my early years of life. Around jr High I began to get to know myself more ( i think we all do)started chillin and hangin wit the cool crowd and finding the fun in school. I did alot of things i regret and alot of things i am proud that I didnt do. But all in all i think those were in some ways those were the best times of my life! High schoo came around and i couldnt play around like i used to. I found myself being left behind in my learning and school work and i started to not do so well. School became a party for me and eventually i was kicked out of highschool. But before i was kicked out, I found the love of my life. I met anika at the peak of my school foolishness. But when i met her i had something to be exited about again. We whould talk for hours on the phone and go eat every now and then, and i really started to like her alot. Then I my foolish mind to get myself into a world of legal trouble, that landed me in jail. But in jail I found out even more about myself. I found out how much i needed God. Not just any God but a personal God who could understand and help. Who could hear my plea and cry. Who I knew Ii could trust. I had went to church with my mom for years But It wasnt until I needed God for myself that I found Him In Christ Jesus.And ever since I made him my personal savior I have had many testimonies of his goodness and how real He is. And though all the hard times and trials and storms he has been there, and for all that he is to me... I love him. But Anika was there for me in a way that no other human was.She made me feel like i could make it. And i believe it was through all that that I fell in love with her. shortly after I got out of jail, My father passed away.That was so hard for me, But God was there.And I had found a companion in anika that made things seem brighter. We moved into together(good times!)saw other parts of the world together wile growing up together. Soon we had our first child(nevaeh), got married and later had lil chris. Our son is now 2 yrs old and neveah is 5! Time goes By and things change, but I consider everyday a blessing. Thats my story(in an instant). I cherish every memory of my life and thank God for every step he has brought me.As of right now I dont know what the future holds for me. But I plan to Hold onto the Hope that has kept me going this far! "FOR WITH GOD, NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBAL" Luke 1:37Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts

My Interests

the Bible , c.o.g.i.c ,Travel,world events,reading,biking,dialog,debate,cooking,asian food,diamonds,Black history,upscale clothing,costal living,southern cuisine,World History,documentery's...umm and lotts more.

I'd like to meet:

real live humans!


gospel ,smooth jazz, some alternative, latin fusion, oldies, soul, a lil house muzik!


Too many to name!


Nip/Tuck is my favorite t.v. show i must admit!


The bible, "In the grips of grace", "He chose nails" "song of solomon" "autobiography of malcom x" "Left behind" "purpose driven life" "momma" too many to name!


JESUS,Moses,Caleb,peter,David,Peter,Abraham......too many to name!

My Blog

"I am the way, the truth and the life"

1. Introduction John 14:1 "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God ; trust also in me. John 14:2 In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going th...
Posted by God'sman on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 01:54:00 PST


Hell is a very terrible place. It is described as an everlasting fire which was created for the punishment of the devil and his angels (Matt. 25:41). Christ told the story of how one man in hell was i...
Posted by God'sman on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 10:06:00 PST

How can we know for sure?

Although there are many religions in the world, with a great number of differences between them, there is one point at which almost all of them agree.  They all claim that man must earn his salva...
Posted by God'sman on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 05:03:00 PST

Isnt God what we make God to Be? Or not.........

Q: AREN'T THE GODS OF VARIOUS RELIGIONS REALLY JUST DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THE SAME GOD? As human beings, we are subject to changes of mood and personality. A person may behave in a kind and loving way...
Posted by God'sman on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 08:17:00 PST

Food, food, and more food!!!!!!

well, Its the christmas season again and were on the verge of entering into 2007 leaving behind the past and springing into the future. But the question is- Do we really wanna leave everything in the ...
Posted by God'sman on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 08:33:00 PST