I am interested in ppl. They fascinate me! We are all so different yet so similar? And we all react to similar situations in totally different ways yet feel the same things. 'People' are bloody amazing. If I get bored of teaching one day I am going to go back to uni to do a degree in 'people'.And I don't have to read books but juststudy 'people'themselves as research.
My own children. (not yet don't worry you!!!)
I like music that makes me dance or evokes emotion or both!! I think the world would be a really sad place without music, so stop buying illegal copies or the industry will die!
I love movies. Sod all on at the cinema tho at the mo!
Ugly Betty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chick-lit and some classics;Austen,Shakespeare,Milton,Orwell blahblahblah!! But mainly pointless stories that make me laugh these days! Since I no longer have the pleasure of a teacher/lecturer to encourage thoughts and explain things.
Jamie Bubb is a bit of hero!